🌸; ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 2

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I woke up to my annoying ass alarm again and as soon as I realised today's the day I'm leaving for camp, I shot straight up out of my bed and rushed around to get ready.

I had a quick shower and after I got out I did my skin care routine and added a good amount of makeup. "Now I need to decide to what to wear..." I rummaged through my closet to find a cute little grey oversized hoodie, ripped black jeans and some white trainers.

" I rummaged through my closet to find a cute little grey oversized hoodie, ripped black jeans and some white trainers

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I looked at myself in the mirror and hoLy shiT I look good. "I should see if Y/F/N is awake..istg if she isn't-"

Me: hoe you awake?

Y/F/N: yuppp I'm ready, are you?

Me: yup I'm ready and I'm packed so

Y/F/N: so do you want me to come pick you up rn? Then I'll drive us to where the busses for camp are

Me: yeah but don't be late >:[

Y/F/N: I woooont everything's fine

Me: aight hurry then, ily b

Y/F/N: ily too bb

I giggled and put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my suitcase full of my things and waited patiently for Y/F/N.

🌸. Little timeskip to when your friend arrives .🌸

I heard a car beep, it must be Y/F/N. I pulled my suitcase outside and put the key under a plant pot for my grandma. I ran to her car and got in with a huge smile on my face.


"Heyyy are you excited?" she asked,

"Yeah kind of nervous though I mean there's going to be people we've never met before"

"Atleast they're going to be around the same age as us, it's fine we'll make friends" she said and started to drive to where we needed to be.

"Let's hOpe"

We talked for a bit as she drove and had a little carpool karaoke, she's so fun :)

🌸. Timeskip, camp busses .🌸

"We're here!" She looked exited

I smiled, unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car with her following, around us was a forest with a little area with no trees, so busses and cars could park there.

"So, what are we even supposed to do"

"I'm pretty sure he's apart of the staff, let's ask him" she pointed at a man that was waiting by the bus. I nodded and we walked towards him and tapped his shoulder.

"Excuse me, are you a camp instructor or something?" I asked

"Yes, I'll be the one guiding everyone, are you two girls going?" He replied

We both nodded,

"Yes." Me and Y/F/N said at the same time

"Alright, I'll need your name and age" the man got out a piece of paper with already written stuff on it

"I'm Park Y/N, 18 years old" I smiled at the man

"And I'm Yoon Y/F/N, also 18" Y/F/N said

He nodded, "alright, please sit down on the bus and have a nice ride!" He smiled and bowed. We bowed back and stepped onto the bus. My jaw dropped...there are so many people on this bus-

"Y/N...I don't think we'll be able to sit together, it's a 2 seater and most of them are taken, or taken by one person" Y/F/N looked at me.

"I know...it's fine I'm pretty sure it won't be that bad" I looked at Y/F/N. She nodded and we started to walk straight ahead, trying to look where we could sit. A boy caught my eye, he had no one sitting next to him and wow he was so handsome, he had his headphones in his ears and he was staring down at his phone. I looked at Y/F/N,

"I think I'm gonna sit here" I whispered to her, she nodded

"I'll go sit by that guy, he looks chill" she pointed over to a random guy sitting near the back. I nodded and she started walking away. I paused and took a good look at the guy and sat next to him...he looked up at me for about 2 and a half seconds but then he just looked back down at his phone. I shrugged my shoulders and got my phone out of my backpack and my headphones. I put them into my phone and put the earbuds into my ears and listened to some calming music, the bus started moving slowly after that.

I couldn't stop glancing at the boy who I was sitting next to, I like his face. As I looked away I noticed he looked at me, my heart starting beating really fucking fast. I don't know what to do- I hid my face in my hands and I heard a little chuckle from him which was so adorable. I uncovered my face and looked at him, we made long eye contact. He was smiling so...prettily

"Well I may as well introduce myself since you're gonna be stuck with me for the whole bus ride, I'm Park Minhyuk but everyone calls me Rocky, so you can too" he said with his pretty smile, showing his pearly white teeth

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"Well I may as well introduce myself since you're gonna be stuck with me for the whole bus ride, I'm Park Minhyuk but everyone calls me Rocky, so you can too" he said with his pretty smile, showing his pearly white teeth.

I smiled with my eyes at him, "I'm Park Y/N, I don't really have a nickname but you can come up with one somehow if you want" I giggled and shook his warm and big hand.

"I'll just call you Y/N," he intertwined our fingers which made my face burn up, I'm pretty sure he noticed.

He let go of my hand and he took out one earbud from his ear. "Do you wanna listen?"

I nodded and took the earbud he was offering and put it in my ear, he played the music and rested his head back against the seat. He seemed so comfortable with me already, I'm 100% sure I'll get attached to this boy.

~ end of chapter 2, tysm for reading! I'll be writing chapter 3 tomorrow ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2018 ⏰

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