Whos there?

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"Ugh, I can't believe She spilled frigging punch all over my dang dress!" She mumbled to herself as she scrubbed her green dress. She had been at Daniel's End of the year house party talking to friends when Whitley Richards decided to 'accidentally' spill her spiked punch all over her dress. It was 8 o'clock and Samantha's parents were at some lame dinner party at the Harvard's, who lived 40 minutes away. So she was all alone, scrubbing the crap out of her dress, when she heard it,The first clap.

She froze, her heartbeat increasing, as she stared at the door, her eyes wild and scared. " Wh- Who's there!?!" She all but yelled. Silence was her only answer, then she heard them, footsteps getting closer as she heard it again,not quite as faint as the first one, closer as the footsteps ceased, the second clap.

Samantha raced towards her cellphone, only to find it dead. She wanted to scream in frustration but settled for a sigh, as she raced towards the door. She gently swung it open to reveal a pitch black hallway even though she knew she turned on the light; which meant she was going to have to play hide and seek, in the dark. She tiptoed down the hallway in fear of attracting the attention of the man who, little did she know, was going to kill her in the safety of her own home.


I could practically smell her fear from a mile away, I smiled as I walked in the shadows near the stairs. The house was a nice place. I already knew she was going to fight that's why I chose her, she should be honored , I want her to fight, I want to look into her eyes as she recognizes who I am while she writhes in agony as she bleeds and bleeds onto the floor. As her horror slowly drains away and her eyes and body are lifeless. I shook with anticipation and excitement, they always say the first time is the best and I wanted it to be perfect, I had it all laid out too, it was going to be perfect I made sure of it as I clapped for the third time as she tiptoed down the hall with me only a few feet away, aww she thought she was going to live, how cute. She jumped but didn't scream, good, I hated screams they always drew unwanted attention, but sometimes I liked to watch them scream it was amusing, watching them waste away their precious last breaths to scream for help that was going to arrive to late to help them. I shook my head and chuckled as she began to run.


The third clap. It was so, so close, right behind me. I jumped but didn't scream, I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of knowing that I was terrified, but started to run anyway. I swear I heard a chuckle as I ran for dear life as the person ran after me,

I ran up the stairs to get away, but began to realize I wasn't going to make it. As the footsteps thundered behind me, I tried to suppress my panted breaths as I heard the fourth clap. They were close, so close that I could hear there labored breaths. I walked as fast as could without making noise to my room, which had a balcony which I could jump over and escape. My breath hitched as the fifth clap echoed throughout the house and my room. I ran to my window when I heard the floor creak, I slowly turned and almost screamed when I saw who was about to end my life when the sixth clap sounded in the doorway.


I smiled at the boy who was watching across the room as our gazes met he smiled back but his smile was.... Different, it was a nice smile, don't get me wrong but he smiled as though he knew something I didn't. He winked and his smile became bigger as if he sensed my discomfort across the room. I turned towards my friend to continue our conversation but when I looked back over to where he was standing , he was gone.


"Y-you?" I stammered. He smiled as he drew something out of his waistband, a gun. "Please! Please, don't hurt me , Please! I'll do anything" he frowned as though her begging wasn't what he wanted. Then as soon as it appeared, it vanished into anger.


NO! NO! NO! It was all wrong!!! She wasn't supposed to beg, she was supposed to fight, to punch and scratch and.... And.... Kick!!! Not beg and make pleas for her life! It infuriated me this was not how I planned and dreamed of my first! Her pitiful whimpers made my blood boil. I reared my hand back and slapped her. " No! Quit begging! Gah, this is all wrong!" She stared at me terrified and shocked at my actions and words. As if using my silence as me being distracted she stood only to trip over herself and slam into the floor.... Pathetic little girl. I used the opportunity and shot her as she tried to crawl away. Might as well get it over with, maybe the next will be better maybe I- her ragged whimpers interrupted my thoughts gah it was annoying, I hated to be interrupted . She screamed only once as I loaded the chamber and pulled the trigger.

Six claps, One screamWhere stories live. Discover now