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When she says that I run across the room and sock Haylee in the stomach as hard as i can. She falls to the floor and I jump on top of her, I punch her in the face. She kicks me in the stomach and I land in Max's arms. Jeremy grabs Haylee but she squirms out of his grab and lunges at me. I kick her in the face as Max lets go of me accidentally.

I jump on top of her again but she throws the first punch to my nose. She rolls us over, so now she's on the top. "SL*T!!" She says as she punches me. Before she could swing again I grab a handful of her.hair. Uzeil trys to pull her off of me as well as Jeremy but I yank her hair so hand all of them go falling.

"KAT STOP!!" Jeremy yells as I punch Haylee. She's too tired to fight back so she tries to block my blows.

Jeremy and William finally get me off of her. Jeremy has me by the waist and William has my arms. Uzeil and Max hold Haylee. We catch our breaths. She's bleeding from her lip, nose, and eye. Im bleeding from nose and lip. I wipe the blood away.

"Wh**e go do something useful and kill yourself." I try to get out of Jeremy's grip but it doesnt work. "Fuck you." I yell back. "Your just jelous because I f**ked him first."

My blood was boiling even more. Uzeil lets go of her. I punch Jeremy in the nuts so he could let me go. She runs towards me and I grab her hair and swing her around until she falls to the floor. I punch her in the stomach until she cant breathe. "You have nothing to say now do you?" She coughs. "Exactly." I punch her in the face and get off of her.

I walk away. Molly grabs my hair and pulls me down. Her and Haylee begin to kick me in the stomach and head. I soon have a killer headache and cough up blood. "STOP YOUR KILLING HERE!!" Lacey yells. Axl, Ale, and Uzeil get Haylee and Jeremy, William, and Max get Molly.

Lacey, Anna, and Jamie run to me. "Are you ok?" Lacey ask. I open my mouth and a river of blood comes out. Jeremy rushes over to me. "We need to take her to the hospital." He picks me up in his arms. With little fight I have left in me I try to get down. Uzeil takes me into his arms. "No not now. She needs a good rest, some pain killers, ice. You know the usual." He looks down and smiles at me. We walk down the hall. "Oh so your siding.with the little h*e now?" Haylee says. "We're over with Haylee." Uzeil says over his shoulder. He turms back to me. "What hurts?" "Everything." I say as i cough blood in his shirt. "Like what?" "My head, my stomach, and my face." He lays me in bed. "Your going to be just fine."

I close my eyes and soon I'm out.

"Jeremy-" "No I love her. I care if shes mad at me. I didn't sleep with Haylee and all of you guys know that. I want her to apologize and tell her the truth. She's crazy beautiful and I love her so much it scarys me sometimes." He says as I slowly open my eyes. "Jeremy." Max says. "What!" Jeremy turns to Max. He points to me. "Your sleeping beauty is walking up." Jeremy turns to me. "Kat?" I try to push my body up but it hurts to much. "Im crazy beautiful then you're wonder." I hold out my arms and Jeremy and Max slowly sit me up. "Babygirl im-" I put my finger on his lips. "I know you did sleep with her I believe you." He smiles. He was about to hug me but then he didnt. Lacey hands me 4 aspirins abd some water.. "How was 1 day nap?" I look at her confused. "I was sleep for a day." "Yep. You fell asleep at 9 and its now 10. You slept all day yesterday." Jeremy says. I take the aspirin and the water. Soon it starts to work.

I look around the room. "Thank you guys." The 3 of then smile. smile. "No problem." There's a knock at the door and I tense up. "Come in." Lacey says. The door reveals Uzeil, Jamie, Anna, William, Axl, Ale, and Molly. I grab Jeremy's hand. "Molly. Please leave her alone." Jeremy says. "I came to apologize. Kat im sorry. I know there's no excuse foe what i did to you. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me." Everyone looks at me. "I forgive you but I dont think we could ever be friends." She nod. "Fair enough." She walks out the room. "You are a hell of a fighter little mama." Axl says. I smile. "She fight for what or who she loves or believes in." Jeremy say. "Well you must hell of a lot love your dumbass." Ale says. Jeremy looks at me. "Yep abd this dumbass loves her even more." He kisses me on the lips. "Awe Stop all that lovey dovey shirt man!" We all laugh. I look at Uzeil. "Thanks." He smiles. "If my best bud likes you then-" "I'll fight for you." Everyone says together. I nod. Lacey, Jamie, and Anna climb in bed with me. "All the guys get out!" Jamie say. Jeremy looks at me. "You'll be ok?" I nod. "Man she took a beat down she'll be fine." William say. Jeremy kisses me then they all leave.

Lacey sits on the outside of me. Anna sits on the other side and Jamie on the outside. "Your a hell of girl Kat." Jamie says. I look over to her. "Why do you say that?" "Because you changed my little Brother around." "Brother?" She laughs. "Yes Jeremy's my Brother. He never stayed with a girl long enough to get her name. All he did in New York was talk about his babygirl. The love of his life." I get out of bed and out the door to the living room where the boys where. I hug Jeremy and the girls aren't to far behind. Jamie sits in Max's lap. As does Anna in Ale's and Lacey in Axl's. I sit in Jeremy's lap with his arms around my waist.

Uzeil has the puppy in his lap and Molly is on the floor sitting in front of William.

When everyone is all fine watching the movie I get up with Jeremy behind me. We walk to the bathroom and he sits me on the counter. He wets a wash towel and tries to take the dried up blood from mouth and lip.

It only hurts on my lip. "Awe i have my own sexy nurse to clean up my blood." He laughs. "Well then what can i do after im done begin nurse?" I shurgs as I poke out my bottom lip. "I dont know." He finishes and places himself between my legs. "I couldn't sleep last night knowing you weren't ok." "You crazy them." "Crazy for you." He smiles. "And I knew you didnt cheat on me." "Good." "your too much of a lover too." "There's one person I'd cheat on you with." "Who?" "Marilyn Monroe with her fine a**." I hit him playfully. "Sure you would." He bits my neck as i giggle. "Stop." I try to push him off but it doesnt work as I sit there and let him.

He stops and kisses my forehead. "God your perfect." I smile. "And so are you." "Cant you see that I am yours. So will you be my life support?" I nod. "I will be your life support."

His eyes ask for sex and I agree.

He picks me up and carries me to the bed.

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