Model by the Autocue

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My name is Sophie Carr. Yes Jimmy Carr's little sister. It's not as bad as you may think he is sweet sometimes...some very rare times...very very rare like once in a century rare... never mind that anyway here's my story

*phone buzzes* the caller I.D. says TWAT. "Hello" I say cheerfully

"Hi Sophie you alright?" Jimmy replies

"good thanks. you?

"great did I ever mention how great of a sister you are?"

Sigh "what do you want Jimmy?"

"well since you asked I need a lift back to my place after recording the show since Laura is on holiday with her friends" he rushes the end

"ooh left you behind has she" I tease

"no...well yeah they're taking a girl's trip to Florida for a few weeks"

" a few weeks! does that mean I have to do this every week?"

" please Sophie when have I ever asked you for anything...Ok forget that please I can get you a backstage pass"

"Ok you've tempted me text me the address and time"

" aw yess thank you bye" Jimmy said before hanging up the phone
if he didn't have me he'd be screwed I thought smiling to myself.

~~~later that evening~~~

"After that round I can tell you Sean's team have no points while Jon team has 1 point that's all for now see you after the break" the audience claps and the camera's switch off. Jimmy catches my eye while I'm standing next to the autocue with a headset on. I had decide to wear skinny denim jeans, a white blouse with a gold necklace and black flats make up was simply red lip stick black eyeliner and mascara, my hair was in a high pony tail with my side fringe left hanging out me and Jimmy had the same colour eyes and same colour hair but apart from that we looked completely different. I gave Jimmy a tiny way he stood up from his chair and walked up to me with his arms out. I rolled my eyes and gave him a big hug. "you owe me Carr" I say while me hug

"I know and I'm sorry but are you enjoying the show?" he said changing the subject

" yeah it's funny I can't believe I've never seen this before" I smile at him

" woah woah hold on. You've never watched my show before" Jimmy raises his eyebrows and I raise one of my own

"yeah sure I have" I say in a high voice

"why don't I believe you"

"no idea so do you like my new jeans?" I say stepping back a bit so he could get a proper look

"yeah well your legs still look fat but apart from that you look great"

I put on a fake hurt face "really lets see what other people think" I grab Jimmys wrist and looks for someone in the front row I spot a geeky looking teenager wearing a beanie hat and glasses

"hi excuse me do you like my jeans?" I ask the shocked looking lad " um yeah rem they look very nice"

"great and how's my bum look" I joke turning around and looking over my shoulder to see the young boys reaction his face is blushing and his eyes are wide "I urm... looks well...great er I mean" I giggle

"aww I'm only kidding love thank you" I say giving him a quick hug he laughs as well obviously relieved I was joking I hear Jimmy laugh behind me

" jim were about to record again now" one of the producers says to Jimmy

"right fine" he nods at the producer and turns back to me "duty calls" he then skips back to his seat making me giggle what an idiot

Jon's P.O.V.

I kept looking at her throughout the show she was really good looking even with a bulky headset on. She has black hair and a great body maybe a bit shorter than me but not by much. After Jimmy said the scores I saw her take off the head set and wave at...JIMMY! what? how on earth does he know her. It's not his girlfriend is it? No Laura's blonde and about the same height as Jimmy. Friends I guess they must be. Then he opens his arms out to hug her and I feel a tinge of jealousy even though I haven't so much spoken to this girl. Her and Jimmy laugh and chat away.

"do you know who that is?" I hear from next to me I turn to see Jack Whitehall staring at Jimmy and the girl with his mouth open

"no why do you?" I ask attempting to show the least amount of interest as possible

"I don't know her name but I am certain she is a Victoria secret model" Jack says in awe

"really you're jokin...wait what are you doing reading Victoria  secret catalogues?" I ask smirking

"well er a girl left one in my house by accident once." Jack fumbled on his words

"really she just had one on her did she?"  I reply still smirking

"well yeah whoa...." Jack goes wide eyed again gawking at the now suspected model I follow his gaze to see her turned around showing off her might I say very nice bum to a young lanky lad who looks lost for words just like me and Jack with Jimmy holding in his laughter at the boys shyness I tap the arm of Joe Wilkinson on my left "what" he says turning back to us and away from one of the producers and sees where we are looking "faking hell that's a nice arse" he practically shouts luckily neither the girl or Jimmy hear as they are too busy laughing. The producer that was talking to Joe now taps Jimmy on the shoulder and says something to him making him nod saying one final thing to the girl before doing that weird jog/walk thing he does back to his seat.

~~~next break~~~

"I'm gonna go speak to the model bye" Jack stands up

"don't need to" Joe says nodding forwards "ere she comes"

I look ahead to see the girl and Jimmy walk towards our table

"guys this is Sophie , Sophie this is Jack,Jon and Joe" Jack smiles I nod at my name and Joe says "ello" at his. "pleasure to meet you" she smiles I notice she has a lovely accent (imagine Emma Watson's voice AKA Hermionie Granger from Harry Potter)

"nice to meet you to" I smile at her

"are you one of Jimmys mates" Joe questions

she giggles a bit and Jimmy smiles "er..a guess you could say that yeah"
She guesses? does that mean she isn't crap what if she is his girlfriend? I thought

"have I seen you somewhere before?" Jack asks still trying to prove she is a Victoria secret model I believe she could be but don't wanna sound flirty

"yes probably took some photos for a magazine once" she replies Jimmy furrows his eyebrows " hold on Jack saw you in a magazine... what pictures were you taking"

"Oh nothing much just have to stand in my underwear in front of this guy for 30 minutes posing then I'm out" she smirks obviously attempting to make it seem like a really dirty magazine Jack laughs getting the joke but Jimmy just looks confused making me and Sophie laugh "guys the next part needs filming!" a producer calls "oo that's my cue to leave talk to you later" she holds her thumbs up then walks away swaying her hips causing me to stare until I hear "eh watch where those eyes are wandering" Jimmy says sounding slightly annoyed

Good bad let me know in the comment they're aren't many of these so I thought why not write my own thanks for reading I will update tomorrow

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