Lets play countdown

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It was the day where I would help Jimmy with his show (8 out of 10 cats does countdown) and honestly I was pretty nervous, I mean sure posing in front of cameras is one thing but recording me in a what is gonna be quite a revealing shirt is pretty terrifying. I packed the outfit I was going to wear in the bag, swung it over my shoulder and headed for my car when my phone started ringing, I checked the I.D to see it was Jon.

Seeing his name gave me butterflies which was utterly stupid since I barely knew him so there was no way I could possibly like him....Right?

"hello" I answered

"hi Sophie, you alright?" Jon asked his voice just adding on to the butterflies Jesus Sophie get a hold of yourself

"yeah I'm good thanks, you?" I finally got out

"same as always"I smiled at his comment "I was wondering if we could maybe meet up again today, maybe you could come to the show?"

shit I couldn't tell Jon that I'll be on the show its supposed to be a surprise

"Jon I'm really sorry but I'm busy...maybe tomorrow?" I asked not wanting to down him completely

"Oh alright no problem, see you soon"

"yeah you too , bye Jon"


I hung up and let out a breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding great now the hard parts over. I threw my bag in the passenger seat and hoped in the car to make my way to the recording studio. Once I get there I put on some sunglasses (kinda like the ones celebrities wear) so if Jon was here he wouldn't see me. It was about 9:00 now so I had an hour to get find Jimmy so he could show me wear to change then make myself as attractive as possible. alright let's go...

I push open the huge doors (well huge compared to me) and go to the front desk "how may I help you?" the lady at the desk smiles, she looks in her 50's and has her hair in a tight bun

"er yes I'm looking for Jimmy and I was wondering if you knew where he is" I ask hopefully

"my my my is that you Sophie?you've grown so much since the last time I saw you" the woman's smile some how became wider I know that smile...

"Mrs Bills?" I ask in amazement

"I know I've become an old hag since we last spoke" she chucked to herself

"you don't look a day older" I reassured her, sure it was a lie but I'm obviously not going to agree  . She smiled and patted my cheek

"aw dear always the charmer" she leans forward and whispers "much unlike your brother" causing me to giggle. Jimmy isn't exactly what I would class as a charmer to say the very least

"I would love to chat but I have to find Jimmy" I say as nicely as I can without offending her

"of course dear go down the third corridor and keep going until you see a room that says 'countdown staff only' he should be in there" Mrs Bills instructs and I make a mental note before thanks her and walking down the corridor

"Hey Sophie" I turn to see Joe Wilkinson jogging up to me wearing a black suit with a white shirt a tie and ...trainers?

"hi Joe you alright?" I ask smiling

"great thanks, Jimmy said for me to show you the changing rooms"

"Oh great thanks" I smile and Joe holds out his arm for me to take , I giggle but accept and we both walk to the dressing room wear the first think I see is a mass colourful costumes that I could only guess were Joe's.

"thanks Joe and oh , don't tell Jon I'm here ok?"

"sure" Joe says then closes the door so I can get changed, it's now 9:15  giving me plenty of time to get dressed. I un-zip the bag and begin undressing.

I was already wearing the push up bra but I had worn a baggy jumper so you couldn't really tell. I then put on a slimmer version of Jimmys navy trousers that he always wore for countdown then black simple heels, I put on the light blue shirt he sent me and decided not the tuck it in , I left the first 4 buttons undone so the show a fait amount of cleavage (which lets face it if Jimmy was a girl he would do that all the time) and wore the tie loosely.

I then walked over to the mirror and put on some eyeliner and light foundation just to make my skin look better I then put on a dark pink colour to add a hint on sexy and applied and much mascara as was humanely possible. for the final touch I pulled up my side fringe and used a grip the make it sort of like Jimmys hair (Google it and you'll see what I mean)

there was a knock at the door "yeah?" I called

"you're on in 5 Sophie" 5 minutes?! I thought I still had ages!

"Ok thanks" I called again and made my way towards the door and into the recording studio from the side where I could see Sean Lock choosing the letters.

"I'll have a vowel" he said and Rachel pulled out a 'O' "no not that one" Sean joked with a serious look on his face causing me to giggle

"um alright?" Rachel said then threw the 'O' into the audience.

"what do you want Sean?" she asked placing her hand in the vowels section

"err I'll have a 'E' please Rachel" Sean asked and Rachel pulled out a 'E'

I'd always loved Rachel Riley she was a beautiful genius which was really hard to come by. I then noticed Jimmy had started the clock and the people dressed as doctors nodded at me here goes nothing

Jon's P.O.V.

The letters were D O N N I U Z N E I had finishes my word was 'innuendo' which I was pretty proud of even though it wasn't a 9. I looked over to see what Jimmy was doing when I saw a couple of the staff dressed as doctors wheeling over a green curtain a few had huge (right sorry but I've completely forgotten the word basically it's the thing use for injections , I'm so stupid)

dodo do dodododo bum the clock finishes and the curtain is pulled away by the doctors revealing....SOPHIE?!

I think I stopped breathing for a while when I saw her. She looked...amazing even if she was trying to be a female Jimmy. I found my eyes wondering down away from her face and I subconsciously was starring at her breasts

"Sean what have you got?" she asked holding her hands together like Jimmy did whenever he asked that question, Sean then looked up in surprise "well *cough* Jimmy I have a 4"

"right Jon ?" she asked turning to me looking straight into my eyes , I could feel myself turn red great Jon...really manly, blushing

"well I um... Jimmy... er think 8" I stumble on my words and go even redder for embarrassment

"8 well done Jon, Sean lets hear your 4" Sophie says still very much in character

"Nude" Sean says "or for a 5 Nudez with a zed" everyone laughs and Sophie even does and impression of Jimmys laugh which is pretty simple just imagine a molested seal and you have his laugh

"Right nude, Jon lets hear your 8"

"innuendo" I say confidently earning a few oo's from the audience and then applause

The really Jimmy now stands next to chair Sophie's in and says "get out"

Which is disappointing since I would much rather have Sophie sitting there looking like ...that then Jimmy but oh well

Sophie's P.O.V.

When Jon looked at me his eyes practically flew out of his socket I didn't think I looked that good I thought to myself...

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