Chapter 8: Karma is Back

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Geoffrey POV:

"Idalis recieved her blood, and exactly the right amount but there's only one problem, you're father.. died of a heartattack." The nurse was telling to Rochely. "What?!" She cried. "Yes, we put him in the bed right next to hers." I shook my head. "No, no.. he couldn't have!" I yelled. The nurse told us we could go back inside the room and Idalis was awake. "Idalis.." I said. "Hey." Her voice was croaked. She was crying. I guess the nurse told her. "Idalis are you alright?" Nicole asked her. She stood silent for a few minutes and looked away. "Yeah." She answered. "Why were you cutting yourself?" It was Robert who asked her. I hate him deeply. I've heard a lot about him. He went out with my sister (made up situation). Estupido. " I got stressed." "Over what?" "You and everyone else!"

Robert POV:

"Me? Why me for?" "You never stopped whenever I told you.. That night was a mistake.. I was drunk. And for the rest of you, with the exception of Geoffrey. Nicole and Rochely, I was tired of the fact that you both didn't believe me." I felt like I just got dumped. Damn, Wifey, so it's like that? The girls were speechless. "We're sorry, Idalis. It's just that whenever we saw you, you were always in Robert's arms." Rochely said. 😏 i'm cool with the girls like that Ma. Rochely just don't get it. Even if we were together for a few months! She was wack anyway. But she looks good now... I'm just not feeling her right now. I got Idalis on lock 😏, i'm just waiting for Mr.Dominican to leave. "It's fine.. I just need to be away for a while." Idalis croaked. Even on a hospital bed she looks fine. Sorry, I just got distracted.

Idalis POV:

Geoffrey laid Ivory on my chest and at the wrong time yet at the right time, Romeo walked in with Daniel and...Damian?

Rochely POV:

Yes, I texted Romeo to come to the hospital. We need to fix this and put the fire out.

Nicole POV:

I told Rochely not to do this.. She's just adding more oil to this so called "fire!" I already saw the rage in Romeo's eyes. He caught sight of Geoffrey in the same room as him.. It's about to go down.

Romeo POV:

This idiot Geoffrey was about to tell me what happened to Idalis, but I cut him off. "Rochely told me what happened. I don't need to hear it from you. What are you doing here?" I asked him. I gave Daniel to Rochely and told Damian to step outside. "I just happened to be at the house when she was cutting herself. I was the one who brought her here!" "You have no right to be in our house." "I wanted to see Ivory and Idalis left the door open." "I guess after I left, she forgot to go down and lock it." Rochely interrupted. "You didn't sleep with her did you?" "No." I went up to Idalis and examined the marks on her arm. It tore my heart into pieces. "You didn't have to do this to yourself." A huge lump formed in my throat. She was crying. "Babe, I- I have something to confess to you." I was worried. Nicole's brother stepped out of the room. And everyone else followed behind him. It was just me and her.

Idalis POV:

"While you were away with Daniel, I told you I was going over to Rochely's house." "Yeah.. you did." "Well, I went with Ivory after her appointment and she stayed with Janelly and Christian at the house because I decided to go out with the girls." "Okay..?" "Well, I got drunk and..." I bursted out into bigger tears, ones that never lasted. "What did you do?" He was getting upset. "I- I slept with... Robert!" "What?" "Baby, i'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I was drunk and I didn't find out until the next morning.. I-" "Are you serious?" "Yes." "You're not pregnant are you?" "No." "How do you know?" "I just know, I wouldn't dare get pregnant by anyone else but you. Please, don't be mad." "I'm not mad.. i'm just shocked that that even happened." "I'm sorry." "It's alright... It's okay. Is there anything else I should know about?" "Well, he's still trying to get to me." "He won't bother you anymore after this." "Baby please! Don't tell me you're gonna fight with him! I don't want you getting hurt!" "I have to." "No you don't! Please, the last thing I want to hear is that my husband got hurt." "Fine.. But if he puts his hands on you again, it's over." I stood silent.

Romeo POV:

Idalis fell asleep and I went to go drop Damian off at the house with Eddie (chef) to watch Daniel. He's only 5 and he's very responsible but I can't just leave him home like that by himself. Ever since he met Daniel, he treated him like he was his own son. "Llamame a mi telefono por cual quier cosa." I told him. "Si Pa." I drove back to the hospital and laid alongside my Queen. Everyone had already went home and it was just us. I'm serious about going after that Robert though. No one touches Idalis.. no one. Why? Because she's mine..

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