Chapter 12: Keep Her in Check! Part 1

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Romeo POV:

Today i'm going over Henry's crib to chill with the guys and my boys. The typical Dominican Bros spot for us. One on one playstation battles and stuff. I'm leaving the Queen to do what she gotta do. Her and her bad self 😏. Sorry ladies, she's a keeper. "Hey baby." I walked down into the kitchen following the smell of breakfast Eddie was making. "Hey babe." Idalis said to me smiling. When I say this girl is beautiful, she's a freaking masterpiece! "What up, Eddie?" I say. "Que lo que, jefe?" He responds. Eddie is straight off the boat from Dominican Republic. Like, my man know everything from start to finish. The King needs alittle somethin' somethin' that could bring back some memories from the país.

"What you doing today, Ma?" I ask my lady. She looked up from her phone and smiled at me. "I'm going into the studio today." "Another photoshoot?" "No, baby. The recording studio. I became interested in becoming a singing artist. Dean hooked me up while I was at the photoshoot yesterday." "Wow, my love. That's amazing!" I was really proud of my Queen and all but, as soon as she get this thing down pack and what not.. that mean she's gonna start leaving to go on tour. She's rarely gonna be home! 😥. I hate the thought of sleeping without my wife..

Idalis POV:

"Yeah. I'm heading into the studio at 3. All they want me to do is record the song a wrote and I might just have an album pretty soon." I told Romeo. I'm really excited about this deal. Thanks so much Dean! "I'm really happy for you baby." "Thanks mi amor." I looked down at my phone and saw the missed calls and texts I got yesterday. Dean, Dean, Dean, Geoffrey..everything else was from Dean. What happened? I looked at my texts messages and I got one from Dean and a few from Geoffrey. I read Dean's text and it said:

Dean😜✌️📷: Idalis, u didn't answer my calls so I decided to text u what happened instead. Idk if u know a dude named Geoffrey but he was shot in the leg not too long ago and was brought to the hospital. I saw ur name in his contact list so that's y i told u. The doctors said he'll be here for a few weeks and the hospital he's in is called Leandother Syfis Hospital. The one on 100 Setope Place.

"Oh my god!" I screamed. "Bae, what's wrong?" Romeo asked. "Geoffrey's been shot!" "Royce?" "What other Geoffrey do you know?" "Damn. When?" "Yesterday night." I showed him the text and we ate breakfast quick and headed to the hospital. I was shaking and my heart was beating so fast, I felt like it was gonna beat out of my chest. I texted the girls about what happened. God, I really hope he's alright.

Rochely POV:

Me and Janelly were jammin' in the car to Beyonce's "Flawless" song on our way to Nicole's house. "I woke up like this, I woke up like this, Janelly..?" "Flawless!" She squealed in her carseat. I laughed. Once we reached the red light my phone flashed. It was Idalis:

Manita😍😘🙊: Hurry up, quick! Geoffrey's been shot yesterday night on his leg! We're on our way to Leandother Syfis Hospital.

Oh lord. This is why you don't walk around late at night Geoffrey! Boy, I thought I warned you about this! I made a quick U turn on the street and headed straight to 100 Setope Place. This was the hospital Janelly was born in 😘. "Mommy, where are we going?" "To the hospital, Jay." "I thought we were going to Titi Nicole's house..?" "We're going later. Right now, this is important." "Okay..?" I called Nicolr and put her on speaker. She better answer!

Nicole POV:

It was 10:07 in the morning and I was still tired from last night. I literally went to sleep 6 hours ago! My phone was ringing and it was Rochely. Ugh. I should've put my phone on silence. It's too early for this! "Hello?" I answered lazily. "Get up and go to Leandother Syfis Hospital! Geoffrey got shot! I have no time to explain, just get your behind up and go!" Without me telling her anything she hung up. Apparently, Idalis had texted me about this... I just wasn't awake to see it. But how did this happen? Especially to a guy like Geoffrey? I thought he knew better than to walk around without his guards! No matter what time of day it was! I quickly got up and did my hygiene, threw on some sweats, and cropped T-shirt and my white converse sneakers. I tied my hair in a messy bun, quickly kissed Brandon on his cheek and headed out the door with my car keys.

Robert POV:


-laying in bed with Rochely- "Babe, no one knows about us being back together, right?" "I don't know.. i'm not sure. Why? Are we making it obvious?" "No, I'm just asking." "Oh." -They kiss- "One day I want to make you mine, Rochely." "I am yours. *chuckles* What more do you want?" "I mean, in marriage." "What?" "Of course not right now.. but someday." "Oh." "If I asked... would you have said yes?" "Yeah." *smiles*


I was smiling to myself as I was sleeping. I really love Rochely and like I said about Janelly, nothing but death can keep me from her. I pushed all these extras to the side. My main thing was here all along.

Renae POV:

Seems like i'm gonna have to fight her up in a hospital. The boss ain't got a problem with that. I ain't got a problem at all. It just seem to me like Miss Idalis want to be a damn show off and try to steal my man. I'm gonna put her back in her spot though. Just so it could be her who also end up in this hospital.

Christian POV:

I'm chillin' here with my crew, the guys, and I haven't heard nothing from Renae yet. I'm type worried about her. I called a couple of times but she don't answer. Maybe the shawty just busy that's all. I hope. I flicked on the TV and the news came on. I looked at my man Trey. The news reporter started talking, "Yesterday night, the bachata singer, Geoffrey Royce Rojas, better known as Prince Royce, was found shot in the leg and unconscious on 270 Sideprick Row. Witness Renae Patterson tells us that on her way home she saw Royce laying on the ground and a black Camry racing off. However, Miss Patterson claims that she didn't know who the car belonged to. The Police are on an investigating mission to find the person who shot the celebrity and the witness will be taken to court to confess facts about the criminal." "Damn! If Renae tells them that it was us, we gonna spend the rest of our lives in jail!" I yelled. Trey looked at me like I was crazy. "Geoffrey Royce? You douche bag! Man, you shot the wrong guy! I said Blenfer Price!" Oh damn. Now we screwed. I shot the wrong guy.. Now what if it was close to this Royce guy's heart? I just hope Renae don't confess. She wouldn't confess.. I know she wouldn't. She loves me too much.

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