14 - The Captains Crates

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The plan for leaving Nerith was complex in its simplicity. Icurus made them squeeze inside three crates in the belly of the ship and layered them with blankets and a collection of the delicate artifacts. He resealed the crates leaving them in complete darkness and returned to the shore, promising that he would let them out as soon as it was safe to do so.

The port authority had to inspect all inbound and outbound ships, which was regulation even without the ban, but the authority was taking his job with the utmost care with the new decree. He was a squat balding man, with straggly greying hair that hung limply at his shoulders. He wandered through the belly of the ship with Icurus, recording the cargo and each crates destination.

"What about this one here," the port authority asked, his voice was raspy like sandpaper. He tapped his cane against the create containing Lavinia. For a second Lavinia felt pure panic, then she steadied herself, focusing instead on counting backward from a hundred inside her head.

"This one's a real treat!" Icurus said boldly from above, his voice was steady and did not give the authority any hint that something was awry, "These are relics from Diok."There was a clink as he lifted one of the sculptures out of the crate.

"These are very rare, a request from one of the university professors in Zedar. I had a very difficult time acquiring them."

There was the sound of shuffling paperwork, "Here are the deeds for them."

"Intriguing. Well, Captain Bane, it looks like your ship is in top shape and your cargo is all accounted for and legal, you can sail at your earliest convenience."

There was the scratching of a pen and then the clunk of Lavinia's crate lid being replaced. Then the voices of the Captain and port authority faded out and Lavinia was left in the dark listening to their feet echoing across the deck.

The rest of their time within their crates felt drawn out and uncomfortable. All three refugees were unaccustomed to being enclosed in tight spaces. Eirian had closed her eyes and press her back into the side of the crate in order to prevent her shaking from alerting the port authority to their presence, the solid wood had calmed her slightly, but she was still shaking lightly when Captain Bane had removed the lid to her crate.

Lavinia was coping only slightly better. She was unaccustomed to the sound of the sea crashing against the edges of the Stargazer and was unprepared for the rocking motion that accompanied it. She had felt ill from the smell of the sea, the motion, and the sound of the waves. Her close call with the authority had done nothing to calm her stomach.

Devarak wasn't exactly comfortable, but he was coping better than his fellows. He definitely preferred disguises' to hiding, but he had some experience being smuggled, therefore, he was by far the calmest. He focused his attention on the Captain and the port authorities words, trying to glean what he could from their discussion. He had little trust for their Captain.

It was a relief to all three when Icurus Bane finally pried the lids off their crates and ordered the contents moved. The Stargazer was already a ways from the port and out of the authorities jurisdiction. Open seas no rules, as Bane had reminded them.

Captain Bane had twenty-nine sailors under his command, all trustworthy and loyal to only him. Devarak read between the lines, they were loyal to the organization Icurus Bane worked for.

Icurus led them below deck and gave them a very brief tour.

"You'll be bunking over there," he pointed to the hammocks strung up along the back wall, 

"Over here we have our stores and munitions, don't touch them. You'll find the privy at the bow." He gestured in that direction and then turned to face them, "Come on up to my cabin tonight for a meal."

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