It all started June 23rd

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"Audrey!!!! Are you ready????" screams Avery. "Ehhhhh..... let me sleep", I groan.

Suddenly, Avery bursts into my room dressed in tiny ripped shorts and a stranger things t-shirt. She's hopping around, trying to put on her black and white checkered Vans.

I sat up and threw a pillow at Avery. It hit her straight in the face and she fell square on her butt. "Ow!!! Fuck off Audrey!!!" She yelled.

" Next time, let me sleeeeeeep!!!!!" I yell back. "It was mom who told me to wake you up!!!" says Avery.

I yawn and look over to my alarm clock. Shit!!! It's 12:36.

Avery heads out and closes the door in back of her.

I bolt to my closet and throw my clothes everywhere, to find the perfect outfit for the barbecue. Bethany is going to be there!!!! The whole tiny town of Cedar Key, Florida is going to be there.

I finally find an acceptable outfit. I'm wearing a tiny pair of black shorts and a simple white halter top. I slide on my light pink flats and head downstairs.

It's chaos. Avery is helping our 7 year old brother, Max, tie his shoes, Austin our 17 year old brother,is slurping milk directly from the carton, Mom is trying to find her red lipstick and Dad is trying to get everyone organized.

Finally, Dad rounds us up and we go into the car. We buckle in our seat belts and start heading to Nessa's house for the barbecue.

It was so awkward, while going to Nessa's house. Dad was playing corny music, Mom was trying to contact a client and telling him to shut off the music. Max was looking down at his IPad and Avery listened to AC/DC on her headphones.

Me and Austin were cringing. Finally, we arrived.

I got out of the car and headed straight into the backyard with my siblings.
Immediately, Katia, Nessa and Ally headed towards me and Avery.

We all hugged and giggled. That's when me and Avery noticed Bethany.

She was holding on to this handsome guy about her age. She also looked different. Her brown hair was long and wavy, and not straight. Also, she had blonde highlights that glowed gorgeously in the sunlight.

We ran to her and engulfed her in a bear hug. " Girls!!! It's so good to see you both!!! I missed you so much!!!" yelled Bethany." Oh by the way, I'm engaged!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. She raised her left hand to show off a huge princess cut diamond ring.

"Also, the wedding is happening this summer, In our yard, and you're planning it!!!! She said enthusiastically.

I look at Avery. She's choking on her saliva. 

To be continued....

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