An Angel Named Genevieve

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I look at Avery, completely horrified. She's drenched in mud, and I can see tears in her eyes.

Then, Genevieve hurries over. "Oh no! Here let me help you up!" She says while grabbing Avery's arm and pulling her up.

Genevieve grabs a random towel off a table, and starts clearing a path through the gaping crowd.

I follow behind them, cringing often as I notice people laugh and snigger.

"Is she okay?" asks Dad. I nod a few times.
"She'll be fine, why don't you go check on Mom?" I suggest.

He turns around and notices Mom standing by the grill. She's not alone. She has her hand on the bicep of a young man who seems to be liking it. She's twirling a strand of her blonde hair and giggling flirtatiously.

Dad pales and heads over to them.

I enter Nessa's pale yellow house, and find Genevieve helping Avery clean up in the bathroom.

"I'll take it from here", I say gently to Genevieve. She smiles her radiant sunshine filled smile.

"Thank you, I needed to go check on Caleb anyway.", she says, and heads off.

I turn to Avery. She's about to cry.

I sit up on the counter with her and sigh. " Well this day sucks balls," I say. She laughs dryly.
"You don't say".

Hello! This is Moi, the author! I know this chapter completely sucks, but it's just a filler, the next chapter is going to be extra as hell. You'll see.....
*Cue the maniacal laughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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