1: Randy - 1st Day Of Christmas

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Andy's POV

Unusually, I'm happy to wake up this morning. It's finally December 1st and my Christmas spirit is ultimately justified. Apparently, being excited for Christmas is unacceptable in November. Uncultured swines.

I hear a shattering crash, not even surprised after living with the boys for so many years, but still annoyed with the smash count this vlogmas already hitting 1 before anyone has even woken up.

I go downstairs to see Rye on his knees looking down at his cup of tea which is now all over the kitchen floor.

"Rye? Babe, what the hell are you doing making tea at 5 in the bloody morning?"

"Well, babe, I was trying to make you breakfast in bed. Seeing as I thought it'd be nice to spend the first day of December with some peace and quiet before vlogmas actually starts and the boys are all up 24/7 filming stupid skits."

I'm all soft now. That's just what he does to me.

I walk up to him, kneeling down too, and place my face in the crook of his neck, planting a small kiss. I feel him shudder slightly and his arm snakes around my waist, bringing me onto his lap.

"C'mon, let's clear this mess. I'll help you and we can go cuddle and watch Friends under your bed," I whisper in his ear.

"Oh, but I wanted to surprise you," he pouts, looking so irresistible, I have to place a chaste kiss on his lips. I decide to part before he puts me under his spell and I pull him up from the floor.

"Whelp, I'll just make you breakfast in bed too, you can't really send me out now," I smirked.

"Ugh fine, c'mon, now that I've got a helping hand, I want your pancakes. I don't know how you make them, but they taste as good as you, so help me?"

He looks so innocent but my cheeks heat up like I just stuffed my face into an oven. I shove him in the chest, making him fall over into the crash mat. Unfortunately, he holds onto my shirt, so I go down with him.

"You know, I like it when we're like this."

He has a glint in his eye, which suggests that he isn't planning on just making breakfast. My breathing quickens, but also, since Rye mentioned pancakes, my stomach decides to grumble. Rye's head tips back as he laughs at me, the corners of his eyes crinkling. I smile at his beauty, before not stopping myself from laughing along with him.

"I'm hungry, so let me make the pancakes, you can work on the tea. Just try not to drop it this time."

"Alright, and hey, you don't see me dropping my cups of tea. I love them almost as much as I love you."

I pull an offended face by accident. Or not. Am I really offended that my boyfriend just compared me to his daily does of PG Tips?

"Baby, I said almost. Almost."

I smile once he tries to not laugh at my face before I turn around and actually start working on the pancake batter.

40 minutes later, the kitchen is a mess, Rye did end up dropping his cup of tea once I licked chocolate sauce off of his cheek, and I burnt half the pancakes after that with Rye distracting me. So we ended up with four pancakes and toast between the two of us, as well as my cup of tea to share.

"It's only been an hour yet somehow, we've made more mess this morning, than the boys will do all day."

"Ah ah, don't bet on it, don't forget that we live with a Brooklyn and a Jack."

Rye chuckles and pulls me under the covers beneath his 'castle'. Still cannot believe my boyfriend built this thing from scratch.

We turn on Friends, as promised, and we spend the next hour arguing about whether Rachel and Ross were on a break or not.

"Clearly they were, Rachel said the damn words to his face!"

"Rye, if I said we were on a break, would you go and sleep with another guy?"

"Well... No."

"Then technically, he shouldn't have done that, argument won by Andy Fowler. And there's no point bothering to continue because I heard Mikey scream at his TV, which probably means he's watching the football recorded from last night. Which is gonna wake up Jack. Who's gonna wake up Brook."

"Wow, you really know us all then, don't you?" He smiles, the affection in his eyes as clear as day.

"Well, yeah I love you all, what do you expect?"

"I really hope you love me more, babe."

He pulls a cheeky smile as I bury my head in his chest.

"Of course I do, I love you Rye, more than anything in the world."

I place a kiss on his bare chest, hearing his heartbeat pick up the place as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me as tight as he can you his body, as if not wanting to ever let me go.

"I love you too Andy. More than you ever know."


And there it is.


First one shot, kinda happy kinda not, obviously I don't have any reads yet, but hopefully I get a few, for feedback purposes.

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Word count: 905

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