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"O-officer..." Nayeon said.


"My last month will be over soon..." Nayeon replied.

That sentence.

Broke Jeongyeon's brave heart.

CHAPTER 15 — Who knows?

No One POV

"I-I don't know what to do anymore, officer." Nayeon asked as she held Jeongyeon's hands.

". . ."

"I thought that this month will be okay, I thought that this month will give me enough time to reflect on myself. But no, officer. I've realized that I wanted more. I want to unfold more chapters of my life."

". . ."

"I—I just don't know how, how I can possibly end this month without hurting any people's feelings. Especially to my friends here."

". . ."

"Now I don't even know how I can bid goodbyes."

"Just be formal. Say it when you really have to say it before it's too late." Jeongyeon replied.

"Yeah, Jeong. You f—cked up. You're already in loved with Nayeon now you're trying your very best to hide it?" Jeongyeon thought.

"Okay. Thank you officer. Thank you for being here." Nayeon said as she let go of Jeongyeon's hands.

"You can go now. Sorry for extending your work hours." Nayeon added.

"No. It's okay. Just remember that... I'm always here for you..." Jeongyeon replied.


"What happened?" Chaeyoung asked while driving.

"You did extend your working hours there... So I'm expecting that 'something' happened." Chaeyoung added.

"I don't know what to react or feel, Chaeyoung-ah." Jeongyeon replied.

"Why? What's the problem?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Nayeon will be dead soon and I don't want that to happen." Jeongyeon answered while ruffling her hair.

"That's why I'm extending my time with her. I don't want her to feel sad." Jeongyeon added.

"I know. but sometimes being with the person you care will make you miss them a lot." Chaeyoung said.

"That's prolly why sometimes we do distance ourselves from them. but no matter how much we tried, it'll end up missing them even more." Chaeyoung added.

"You're right." Jeongyeon replied.

"So if you have stories or something you've been dying to tell her, do it now. Do it as early as possible, especially if you do love her." Chaeyoung said.

"Say how much you've missed, loved, or even liked her. Because that's what a person wants to hear when they're still alive." Chaeyoung added.

"You know what Chaeyoung-ah? I like you." Jeongyeon replied.

"Mhmm I like you too." Chaeyoung said.

"I liked how your maturity level is, especially when it comes to this point." Jeongyeon replied.

"Aish stop the praise." Chaeyoung laughed.

"But I'm serious!"

"No you're not serious, you're Jeongyeon." Chaeyoung joked.

"Pfft. okay."

"Now tell me, answer me honestly." Chaeyoung said.

"What is it?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Do you love Nayeon-unnie?" Chaeyoung replied.

"...I do, Chaeyoung-ah." Jeongyeon answered.

To be continued...

my goal is to be the best version of myself,
not to impress anyone, but to impress myself because
i knew that i did it... ^^

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