5 saving tinky

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(Dipsy's pov)
I felt uneasy as I worried what I've done. What if he was tricking me? What if... I try to not let it out at all times. I then get a call by my brother. I pick it up and he tells me what's going on. I try to calm down. Tipsy: dipsy, remember don't let IT out. Got it? "Yes I do." Tipsy: did you tell tinky winky? "No." Tipsy: tell him soon, he's part of the family now. "I will." Tipsy: well do soon. Tipsy: *whispers* dipsy, don't be fooled. He'll still hurt tinky even if you go out with jay. I had a look of cold eyes, I knew what I had to do. "Tipsy, go get the others, and tell them to meet where tinky is held." Tipsy: but you don't know where he is hidden, besides, your not ready nor are you able to-. I cut him off. "I know where they hid him, it's the same spot where I rescue him from Tin-gold. " "Me,father,you, and Finley will have a talk about our inner anger after, I'll let tinky's parents take him to the hospital if needed. Tipsy nods as I run to find the place.

(Tinky's pov)
I was in so much pain, I had bit marks all over me and cum. Tin-gold placed me down some where as I heard him talking to jay. Jay: damn your abusive to him... I almost feel sorry for him.....not. Tin-gold: *smirks* tinky was more tight than you think jay... besides he's more lovely than before in bruises. Jay: so, I'm guessing tinky didn't suck on your cock? Tin-gold: oh he did... I just had to force him to suck on it, every time he refuses I give him a beaten. I bit him, touched him roughly, because he likes it rough I can tell. I even kissed him but with the tape off... he tastes like sweet strawberry. I was scared and shivered as I heard him. I heard a yell. ?: YOU BITCH! I heard screaming and groans as I sat there crying. Tin-gold: you haven't seen the last of us pointy boy... once I receive jay, you and tinky winky are ours. *snickers* I look around seeing if I could escape. I heard running nosies and I saw dipsy. He hugged me tightly. Dipsy: what did he do to you?! He look at me all over as I explain. He stands up and screams: HE'S OVER HERE! I FOUND HIM! I look as he hugs me again. I see my parents run down. My mom wraps me in a blanket as my dad helps her take me to the car. Zippy-Tippy: *talks to dipsy* find the person who did this to our son. Dipsy nods as my parents drive me to the hospital. But I forgot to do one thing. I look at my wedding ring and look back. *whispers* "I forgot to say thank you." We drove to the hospital as I think about saying to my husband. I see dipsy leave as I cling to my blanket as I shivered.

Thanks to Pinkiewish33 for requesting this, so sorry it took longer cause of school and other stuff. Thanks for enjoying the season and enjoy this chapter.

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