22 custard

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(Dipsy's pov)
"Well lookie here!" I pulled out a photo from tinky's drawer. It was tinky dressed up a baby piglet. I burst out laughing, tinky came in and saw the photo he blushed. Tinky: "My mom dressed me up that day, she thought it looked cute. "You're too cute." Tinky takes back the photo. Tinky: "yeah my mom used to dress me me like that, cause I was her little adorable boy.... can we talk for a bit?" "Oh, yeah sure." Tinky takes me to his room and he tells me about his form. It was shocking, though it did make sense to me. "I see.." Tinky: *sniff* "Dipsy, I-." "Shh...it's okay tinky, you won't hurt anyone I know.." I hugged him. I could see that it made him feel a little. We both sat on the couch, as I felt tinky's hand on my thigh.

(Tinky's pov)
Dipsy: *pushes hand away gently* "Tinky no... wait until tonight, okay? Besides I barley do stuff like that to you." I stayed quiet for a moment untill I smirked. "If you actually think that, then why don't you dominate me?" Dipsy crossed his arms. Dipsy: "because when I try to dominate you, you'd scream, kick, thinking I would gag, tie you up and beat you like that shit bitch of a teletubbie.." I sighed. "Yeah..that's right.."

an image comes to Dipsy mind when he tried to dominate tinky as when he started to scream and kicked him in the crotch. He couldn't feel it for a week.

(Tinky's pov)
I wrapped my arms around Dipsy and kissed his lips. He grabbed my my face and kissed all the areas on my face. I chuckled as I kissed deeply. I didn't want it to get to sexual, since there are Walten, and leni here still in their room. Dipsy wraps his arms around my neck as I placed one hand on his waist and pulling his head closer. Dips giggles a bit as I chuckled. I kissed his lips one last time before pulling back and hugging him. All of a sudden, dipsy tickles me as i bust out laughing as he gets on top of me. I tickle him back while I'm still under him. We're both laughing now and my eyes were getting blurring with the laughing tears coming out.
(Fifteen minutes later)

(Dipsy's pov)
Tinky fell alseep, his head was on my lap as I rubbed his head. "Don't worry hunny, as long as I'm here they won't get you.." I then recalled that jay and Tin-goldibitch were infected still. "Shit, I forgot that those two were still infected. Who knows what they'll transform into if they eat another custard. I haft to protect tinky from them... even if I have to kill them with my bare hands." Which reminds me... where did those custards come from anyways? There only available in teletubbie land.. and that place was shut down years ago after we all left. Military is still there.. I patted tinky's head as a image came in mind... ron..Ron! Damn I forgot about him. I wonder if he's doing okay...

While this was happening jay had been listening in on dipsy's and leni's conversation. He chuckled to himself as he went back to tin-gold.
(Still not dead yet, huh?) After telling he what he had just heard.

Jay: "So what's our next step?" Tin-gold: well, I had sent a "friend" out to make some infected custard. We'll wait for a least 8 months till we can strike." Jay:" 8?! Why 8?! Tinky will probably have his own house by then." Tin-gold smiled Tin-gold: "exactly, it'll just be the two of them we'll deal with, after all if he does get into his monster form, I have already figured how to take him out. It already impossible for him to take it to the next level." Jay:"That is true..well shall we get started?"

Tin-gold smiled as he walk inside a building chuckling to himself.
Tin-gold:"One day tinky winky, one day.."


Tinky snuggled against dipsy as he slept. Dipsy's then began to think: 'as long as I'm still here, they won't be able to get near tinky... I'll make sure that tin-goldiebitch won't get into his dreams.. jay, tin-gold, where ever you are, I won't let you take tinky away, I promise.... I'll kill you.'


Finally got to post the chapter! I apologize for the longest wait.. thank you for being here with me and being patient. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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