Some Things Never Change

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Originally posted to my Tumblr on January 1st, 2018. Main characters are Damien and Darkiplier, with some Damien/William and Darkiplier/Wilford Warfstache on the side. There is a GLARING inaccuracy in this because I confused WKM Mark's body with Damien's body, but...let's just ignore that. x'D

Also, I don't have rheumatoid arthritis and can only write based on research and speculation, so please let me know if I've misrepresented anything. I don't own any of the characters here. Thanks and enjoy!

TW: Physical disability, weight loss, some body issues, and paralysis.


"Based on what you've told me and the results of your blood tests, I believe you're suffering from rheumatoid arthritis."

It took a moment for Damien to fully process his friend's words. "But...Maria, that's impossible. I'm too young for arthritis."

Maria sighed, though it wasn't out of frustration. She gave Damien a sympathetic look. "This is different. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. Your immune system is basically attacking your body."

Damien's brow furrowed. "And that's why my hands are hurting?"

"Yes, but that's only the start of it." Damien could sense a wordy medical explanation coming on. "It tends to affect your smaller joints first – usually the joints that attach your fingers to your hands and your toes to your feet. That would explain why your hands have been hurting."

"But," his friend continued, "As the disease progresses, the inflammation often spreads to the wrists, knees, ankles, elbows, hips, and shoulders. In most cases, you'll feel pain in the same joints on both sides of your body."

"Lovely," Damien muttered sarcastically. Maria's lips quirked up, but it was a half-hearted smile at best.

"Yes, it's definitely not pleasant or...ideal, considering your position. But it's not a terminal illness or anything. Many people live out their lives with the condition, though it can eventually lead to bone erosion and joint deformity." She tapped her clipboard. "And it can affect other parts of the body as well. Usually the skin, eyes, lungs, heart, and blood vessels are subject to symptoms as well."

Damien pressed a hand to his forehead; he felt a headache coming on.

He heard his friend's words and understood them, but he couldn't imagine them being about him. He didn't want to. Damien had visited her clinic thinking, hoping, that his pain was something easily curable.

"Is it curable?" He asked, dreading the answer. Maria shook her head sadly.

"It's manageable, but no, it's not curable." She paused, looking at her friend with concern. "I'm sorry, Damien. I can list out the symptoms for you, suggest some possible treatments, and answer your questions...but that's all I can do."

Damien sighed. "It's alright, Ma – Doctor Maria," he amended, offering her a tiny smile. She returned it with a smile of her own. "The news is rather unfortunate, always, I'll find a way to get by. I always do."

"That's true," Maria agreed. "With all you've been through, I'm surprised you're still standing."

Damien forced a laugh. "Well, I suppose I might not be standing for long, if what you're telling me is true."

Maria frowned. "I highly doubt it'll lead to paralysis, Damien. But here, let's go over what I talked about. I'm sure it'll help to have more information."

"Right," Damien agreed. He leaned forward on the counter, prepared to listen intently. "Go ahead, doctor."


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