Chapter 21: Bliss

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Hello everyone! Welcome to Chapter 21 of Save Yourself! I am starting to make my chapters longer, which means I write about one chapter a week. I know it doesn't seem like that much, and it really isn't, but I have school to focus on. At least I am starting to make my chapters around 1000 words! Thank you all so much. Save Yourself is currently #15 under the hashtag Colby Brock, which I am so happy for. Not only that, but my story keeps getting more reads everyday! I am so grateful for all of you. I love you so much, enjoy the chapter! Make sure to vote on the chapter and comment if you enjoy it! <3 


What you are about to read may contain strong language and mature themes.


The enormous smile I have every time I see Ainsley returned to my face quickly. Before I knew what was going on, she was in my arms, and her lips were on mine. 

Her lips danced on mine as I bent down and wrapped my arms securely around her. Ainsley's soft and plump lips moved gracefully on mine as we both smiled into the kiss. I felt the passion and love that she exuded. A soft, affectionate, caring kiss that still made me go crazy. Our tongues clashing within our mouths as I cradled her head with one hand and held her tighter with my other.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that," Ainsley whispered after she pulled away.

"I could take a guess," I joked, hesitantly releasing my grip from her waist. 



Warmth. Comfort. Happiness.

As I lay in Colby's arms the night of our date, I silently contemplated everything... Including what he had said to me. 

Did he really feel that way? He really thought I was beautiful? Could he really not imagine life without me?

 Every few minutes I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. 

The scent of the salty air lingered in my nostrils. I can still hear the waves fighting for dominance in the ocean. I can still feel Colby's taste on my lips.

Bliss. It was absolutely pure bliss.

I finally think, for the first time in my life, that I'm happy. I can finally call the man of my dreams my boyfriend, I'm getting help with my problems, and I'm living in a mansion with some of the best people I've ever gotten the pleasure of knowing. And for once, I don't feel the empty hole in my heart. 


"Ains, come here!" Colby yelled from upstairs.

"Coming!" I shouted back as I got up off of the sofa and made my way up the stairs. I walked into his room to see a shirtless Colby on his laptop sitting at his desk. 

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Hey," Colby smiled after he turned around to see me. "So, I wanted to talk about us for a second."

"Okay. What's wrong?" I wondered aloud after I sat down on his bed.

"Nothing's wrong, but I wanted to ask you when you wanted to make us public," Colby said after he rolled his chair over to be next to me. "Trust me, it's not that difficult, but I don't think we've ever talked about my fans before. They can... kind of be crazy. Whenever I'm with a girl, they assume things and hate on them. I don't want that for you, at all. So whenever you want to do it is completely fine with me."

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