3 - New bed

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*A couple days passed you guys vloged together and hung out with the squad, David kept flirting but you couldn't tell if he was being serious. Rent was getting too expensive at you're apartment so you decided to live in a vlog squad house*

You've packed the most important things and sold ur furniture. You're officially moving into the vlog house. There's no real room that you can take as Tod, Scotty,and David occupy all the rooms; so you decide to put your stuff in the corner near the coffin and sleep on the couch just until you can find a cheaper place.

By the time you finish giving the key back to your land lord and moving the last things into the corner it's almost dark. You haven't had a real chance to vlog in the past 2 days so you pull out your camera and start to tell everybody that you've moved into the vlog squad house.

Everyone else was at a party they would probably get home around 3am.

Once you've recorded an update video you get some old clips and bloopers to put in there as well. You spend the rest of the night editing and decide to hit the hay early. Grabbing a blanket from your boxes and your pillow u chose a couch and plop down. Exhausted from your long grueling day of work. In a matter of minuets you're passed out.

You're woken up by Tod, korina, Dom, and heath stumble into the house screaming all sorts of shit, there drunk. David fallowed closely behind them with his vlog camera out. You try to ignore them but they sit down where your sleeping and start arguing. David laughing and egging then on. After and hour everyone moves to the other room and crashes there. Finally some peace and quiet something you'll have to  enjoy while it lasts in this house.

You hear a door open over near everyone's rooms and sigh. It turns out to be David; he walks out in shorts and a black T-shirt, classic. "Hey" he says with a raspy sleepy voice. "Hey" you said while yawning. "I'm really sorry you couldn't keep your apartment but at least I get to see you more!". "Yea, I guess it's somewhat cool not exactly what I wanted to do, be sleeping on a couch and all". "Yea not the best thing, I just wanted to say sorry for waking you up at 3 you probably had a long ass day". "It's fine its what you get when you live here". "Yea..., well since you don't want to sleep on the couch maybe you could..." he started to blush. "Maybe I could sleep with you" you giggled. David bit his lip and smiled. "Yea, if you want of course". "David". "Yea" he said nervously. "Have you been serious when you were flirting with me..."? There was a pause. Then David started to speak "When I saw you my heart stoped, you're so beautiful and I think we're really good friends and you're so easy to be around, so yes I was serious just, you didn't seem to be picking up on it or maybe you just didn't feel the same way" . There was silence "David, I feel the same  I just didn't know if you were being serious because me and my friends always flirt, so I just thought-". He started to laugh quietly "well if you feel the same, what do you say, you gunna come sleep with me"? You giggle and get up pulling yourself close to him looking up into his big brown eyes. "Yes I'll join you" you said blushing. Then you took David's hand and fallowed him into his room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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