Chapter 11

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In a dark room Frida laid unconscious with a figure looming over her. This figure was Dr. Lamar Hendricks now inhabiting an artificial body though he would soon have a new body.

"How beautiful you've grown in the past eight years." He said gazing at her body. "You look exactly like your mother did at that age, you truly are my most beautiful creation and my most precious."

"Why Father?" Zim said. "Why do you constantly fawn over her?"

"Because she is the one who will make my dream a reality."

"But she rebels against you! She defies you! She's not nearly as loyal and devoted to you as I am yet you favor her and ignore me! Why father?! Why don't you love me?!"

"Zim you will earn my love when you fulfill your purpose and see to it that my dream is carried out. Now prepare your sister I have an old friend that I'd like to see before I destroy this world."

"Yes Father."

Meanwhile back at the camp the royal army were regrouping, tending to the injured, and trying to figure out what to do now. The flying ship where Frida and Zim were located was in penatrable and heavily armed not to mention it was piloted by a lunatic.

"Detective Brad is there anyway into that ship?" Pacifica asked.

"None that I can see your majesty. Mr. Turner you're an expert on machinery can you see anyway in that ship?"

"No." Timmy said. "Not without getting shot by Lord Hater. Several ships had tried to get in and they've all been shot down before they even get within reach of it."

"So in other words there's no way in?" Brad said.


"So we're doomed?" Pacifica asked.

"It appears so." Brad said.

Horror and fear struck the hearts of every man who heard that conversation including Manny. But it wasn't the fear of the world being destroyed that scared him. It was the fear of him not being able to get to Frida and what horrible things Zim and Dr. Hendricks could do to her. Refusing to give up he went to a war car.

"Where are you going?" Steven asked him.

"We still have that ship I stole from the mafia don't we?" Manny said getting into the car only for Steven to grab him and pulled him out of the vehicle.

"Don't be a damn fool! That would be suicide." He told him.

"I promised her that I would steal her back! That I wouldn't let them use her for this! That bastard Lamar took her away from me once and I will not let him take her away from me again! Damn you!" Manny shouted angrily grabbing Steven by his shirt collar. "Why didn't shoot him like you said you would?! You had your chance to kill him but you didn't pull the trigger! So why?!"

"If I did we would never be able to find a way to remove the poison from her body. What was I supposed to do?"

"Kill him!"

"Even if it meant she would never be free from the poison?"

"Yes! Because at least she'd be free from Zim and Dr. Hendricks! At least she'd be alive! I don't care if I never get to touch her skin! All I care about is if she's safe and back where she belongs!"

"Then you will have broken your promise to her."


"Didn't you promise her that you would find away for her to touch you? She has a dream and that's to touch you, to feel you, for you to hold her in your arms. She wants that more than anything and she'll never be happy until she has that. You know it and I know it so no I couldn't shoot him because if I did she would have nothing to live for."

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