Chapter 9 - Blurting Out such Nonsense

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Chapter 9 – Blurting Out such Nonsense


[Rin’s POV]

 “Don’t even dare,” I said. “I refuse,”

I knew all about it. I knew that it is possible for a child of a Feudal Lord to pick his wife or her husband without even the permission of the person that they had chosen. It was a tradition, but I opposed to it. Mutual feeling is a must when it comes to this kind of thing.

“Why?” he asked. “You should be thankful, you could get everything you want, power, money, everything,”

“I don’t wish for it,”


“Just prepare yourself,” I suddenly touched his shoulder lightly, “We’re going to use my transportation jutsu,”

“What?” he asked right before we transported.

“You’re already here?” I took notice of Temari’s voice inside Gaara’s office. “I think Gaara just told me he sent you to fetch him just a little while ago,”

“He even insisted to come,” I shared what happened earlier, but I just talked to her in her mind. “I bet he forgot that once I got there, I can just teleport us here,”

“Temari,” Kankuro said. I think the three siblings were in the middle of a conversation. “Rin-chan already mastered the transportation jutsu, what do you expect?”

“Gomenasai,” I bowed before Gaara and his siblings, “I didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation, I just want to inform you that I already brought the Feudal Lord’s son here with me,”

“So you’re Kazekage huh?” said the Feudal Lord’s son. “You’re really young,”

“Don’t you dare talk to the Kazekage that way,” Temari explained, “Introduce yourself first, even though you’re the Feudal Lord’s son, you need to respect the protector of this village,”

“Hai, Hai,” he said. “I’m Tachibana Sei, got it?”

“You’re going to be living in this village for the meantime,” Gaara said. “I already have someone to give you a tour. Kankuro,”

“No need for that make-up guy to tour me,” Sei said. “I already have someone in mind,” then he pointed a finger at me, “And that’s her,”

“I refuse,” I immediately blurted out.

“And I’ll make her my wife,” with that simple sentence coming from his mouth, the room fell silent and their eyes widened in shock.

“Wife?” Kankuro repeated.

“Shut up,” I told him. Even though he was the Feudal Lord’s son, I wouldn’t back out on him. If he did have the guts his father about this, I could just run away because I had nothing to live for after all. Turning rogue was no big deal to me. But maybe now it was…I had something precious in Suna after all. “I already told you earlier that I refuse,”

“But I could do it by force,” Sei grinned, “You could refuse my offer if you already have someone beside you, but I think you don’t, so you can’t refuse.”

“Gaara,” Kankuro approached, “What are you going to do about this?”

“I already have someone beside me,” I told him, without even thinking about what I’m saying, “So stop speaking of such nonsense,”

“Really?” he asked, not fully convinced, “I want to meet him. Well, if there is really a him,”

“There is,” Gaara said and all of us turned to face him, “And he’s standing right in front of you,” After saying that, I glared at him.

“I’m not going to believe you,” Sei blurted out.

“Yes he is,” Temari said after she regained from shock for what Gaara just said.

“Prove it,” he said.

“How?” Gaara asked.

“Kiss her,” Sei ordered.

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