Chapter 10

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"Zach stop!

Zach stop!

You're gonna get in trouble!"

Beatri •

I used all the strength I had to look over at River and regretted it. I saw him staring at me and at first I thought he was just being weird, but I noticed he wasn't looking at my face. He was looking farther down. I looked below only to see my sweatshirt sleeve pretty far up and I regretted everything.

I moved my hands and quickly pulled the sleeve down to my fingers to hide everything and saw the nasty ass purse tangled up with my legs. I tried my best to fight the pain and untangle it from my legs and when I did, I grabbed and threw it at River but me being the sick one, the throw was slow enough for him to grab it with one hand. For some reason he let it hit him in the chest.

One of my deepest darkest secrets released to a person I just met. I didn't want him to know, but he knew. It killed me to think about how I couldn't erase it from his memory. Erase it from his thoughts.

I felt finished for the night and was ready to take ibuprofen and lay in bed to sleep until the morning hours.

"Get me to my room," I mumbled to Cook.

I looked down to avoid River's eyes that were still staring at me. Instead, I studied the fingerprints engraved naturally into the tips of my fingers.

Cook smiled warmly and leaned down to put his arm underneath my head to support me and his other arm below my legs and lifted me up slowly into bridal style. He started to slowly walk up the stairs not to make me sick and then I had the urge to look back at River. I shouldn't have, but it was too late for I already had. I felt as my eyes were starting to sweat and I believed River noticed because his mood spiraled and I could feel it.

I tucked my head into Cook's shoulder and breathed in his calming colon that he wore every day. 

Is that weird?

He slowly opened my door and closed it behind him when he walked in and sat me down to sit on my desk chair.

"You know," he said without looking at me when he lifted part of my blanket to let me in. "River is a good kid. I've known him since he was a fetus."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm his uncle. His dad and I were brothers." He laughed quietly. "He was always my favorite."

"Why the past tense?" I looked at him.

"Here." He went to me and lifted me up to help me get in and under my warm covers. "He passed away about 4 years ago when River was 15. He was about to have his sweet sixteen in a few days with his father." Cook said as his smile faded slightly.

I was eventually under my covers making myself at home. "I'm sorry about that. I understand the pain." I warmly smiled at him. I couldn't help but think about my mom and her story.

"The reason is, it's just, yeah. I just wanted to let you know to clear some things up because I've seen that you guys have gotten pretty close." He chuckled and Patted me on my leg and I flinched slightly so he pulled his arm away slowly.

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