Chapter 28

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"Oh my God!


Oh my God!"

Beatri •

We skipped breakfast to dodge all of the guys in case they heard us or Cook tried to continue the conversation from the night before.

How could we be that stupid?

I fidgeted with the string of my sweatshirt as River and I walked in an uncomfortable silence to the art room.

"We will get this figured out. I bet nothing will happen." River reached his arm around me and I relaxed a little as the fidgeting slowed down.

"I'm not sure about that." I closed my eyes for a second.

I quickly opened them again as I tripped over something and started to fall. Before I landed River caught me and I looked back to see that I tripped over a root of a tree.

"How did you do that?" The uncomfortable feeling faded away as River continued to tease me all of the way to the class.

We reached the room as we made our way through the chairs to the very corner of the room where River, Frankie and I sat. Frankie had gotten there before us but looked up from her computer and smiled when she met our gazes.

"Hey guys!" She shut her computer to look at us.



Me and River said at the same time and we laughed as we looked at eachother. Frankie would be in the very corner and I would sit between her and River.

Class went on as River and I looked at each other more then normal and wore smiles as he reached for my hand under the tables and I took his.

I never in a million years would've guessed I would've been the touchy type!

"Something's up." Frankie looked at us as she leaned foward. "What's up?"

"We didn't do anything." I looked at her but made the mistake of giggling and looking back at River as he held a smile.

"You guys did it! You guys had sex!" Frankie gasped and said it straight forward the way she said alot of things.

"Frankie. Stop telling the whole room!" I whispered back but couldn't hide the smile on me.

"Tell me all about it!" She smiled and I laughed.

We scheduled a time for her to come over and hang with me that night.


"I'm here!" Frankie yelled from downstairs as she entered the house without even knocking and I laughed.

I opened my door and walked down the stairs as I saw her holding her purse.

"Where's the pink suitcase of yours?"

"I've got it." She leaned on the window frame of the gameroom and looked at someone. "Bitch, go get my bag from outside."

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