Chapter 6

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Dimitri and I were forced to sleep in the hospital over night. Lissa woke us up the next day and we were discharged with copies of the ultrasounds, blood and DNA test results reports and faxes from the queen about the altered laws and my name change.

As it turns out she was coming out in 8 hours from the time I woke up to crown me as Princess Dragomir, discuss my own guardian detail (ugh) and give me access to the Dragomir accounts and a new wardrobe. Liss ain't gonna be happy when she hears this on top of my relationship and blood bond with Dimitri, access to magic more unique than hers and the twins.

We got to her room and locked the door behind us "spill!" Was all she said and we handed over the file to let it do the talking for us and I blocked her emotions- I was not risking the reaction I would have if her reaction was sour. "I actually hate you" she said playfully. "You two will make great parents and I'm spoiling my little nieces or nephews or one of each absolutely rotten!" She squealed. "I'm gonna help you adjust to court life and teach you how to deal with the politics. Thanks for taking the extra stress off. I always thought of you as a sister and now you actually are. I love not being the only Dragomir anymore!" That was a relief.

"no more secrets though Rose".

"Agreed, but you do understand why I had to though."

"Yes. Now come on we have a coronation to prepare for!" The excitement returned and I opened up the bond again and felt only positive emotions and no blocks on her end.

Dimitri styled my hair so that I had two braids that curled around both side of my head and met at the nape of my neck off to my left and joined into one and continued down the front. It would envelope the tiara perfectly. As Dimitri did my hair Liss went to collect the gown Tatiana had had made for me and sent to admin. Liss and Dimitri helped me into it. Liss gave me a light make up job, then went to prepare for her role in my coronation and shooed Dimitri out the door and told him to return in a tux.

The 8 hours went fast and before I knew it Liss and Dimitri were escorting me across the empty campus to the receiving hall. Liss murmured a few words to the queen and slipped into position quietly. The queen then entered everyone bowing and Tatiana moving straight up to the stage not pausing to speak with anyone. Once she was on the stage (which had a table holding what assumed were coronation papers and a cushion I would clearly have to kneel on) she spoke. "Tonight marks an important event in Moroi history" she started. "Tonight the Dragomir tiara is handed over to the first dhampir Princess." She toke a moment to let that settle in and then continued "summoning Rosemarie Dragomir escorted by Guardian Dimitri Belikov".

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