The Briefcase

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   It was another warm night at the bus stop. Only a few people were walking around. I checked my watch, 7:37 pm. The bus was late, as usual. There was a man with a briefcase, just standing in front of the office building across the way. Not doing anything else, occasionally he would look around, like he lost something. I don't know why, but for some reason this man bothered me.

He has been there every night now. It's been two weeks and all he does is stand there! It is starting to freak me out! Maybe I am just over reacting to much, He might just be waiting for a ride home after work. I wonder: What does he have in that briefcase? Does it even matter?

   My thoughts fizzled out of my mind when I heard the screeching tires from the bus. I got in, slide my member card, and gave the driver a warm sweet smile, which he returned with a sour frown. I slumped in the seat I always sat in, the second to last one on the right side. My purse would lay on the isle seat while I stared out the window.

   Upon looking out I saw the man he had a younger male with him, about 23 years old. The young male pointed in a direction, while the briefcase man had a confused look, that was when the younger man took the lead and started walking in the same direction he pointed, as the man who held the briefcase tagged behind.

   When I arrived home the door was unlocked. Who could be in there? I can't defend myself, just a single 31 year old business woman, who's most dangerous weapon was her keys and heels. My heart jump back as I saw a figure dart across the hallway. I slipped off my shoes and set my purse down. Man this was a bad day to wear my pencil skirt. I creeped in making my way to my bedroom. As I passed the kitchen I grabbed the biggest knife I had. I was now at the door. On a count of three I would barge in there and find who was doing this. One... two.... THREE!!!

     I swung backwards and push my leg outward forming a sidekick. The door pushed open with such force it rattled leaving a dent in the wall from the knob. I turned back around with my knees bent getting ready for impact. My gripped tightened as I held onto the knife in my sweaty hand. My eyes adjusted to the faint moonlight, as I tried to steady my breathing and there I saw... nothing.

    I closed the now opened window and check the house. Nothing, nothing was there and nothing is missing. Someone did come in here, but they did not steal anything. Why would someone do this? Was it possible I just stopped a burglar?

   That night I could not sleep, nor eat. After an hour of pondering about the possible outcomes I decided not to call the police. It was nothing, I would probably just end up looking like another paranoid person.

   Before I knew it my alarm went off. I never slept. If I did I could never recall it. I opened up the curtains and there was the sunrise casting into my room, to say good morning. I grabbed my dress slacks, blouse, and blazer before walking into the bathroom.

   The cold water gave me a quick jolt, then I was actually awake. I tried to turn the knob to the left to make the water warm but it  did not even turn luke warm. Crap, I forgot to pay the water bill again.

   The rest of my day was like the weather, cold, wet, and gloomy. Work was slow, and filled with piles of paper work. When I tried to distracte myself at lunch my phone was dead. As of now I was waiting at the bus stop half soaked from the last couple of drops from the rain pour that just ended not to long ago.

    I checked my watch, 7:45pm. The bus was later than usaul. I asked the person next to me when the bus was coming. My heart dropped when they said the number 18 had left 20 minutes ago. They got on the bus that was heading the other direction, the number 3. I was left alone, or that's what I thought.

   I heard the pattering of footsteps. There I saw him. It was him, the man with the briefcase. He stood there looking lost, again. Gosh, he is so annoying, you would think he would know this area by now. I should try to get rid of him now, so I don't have to wait for another hour at the bus stop with him there.

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