Chapter 1: That hurt...

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Macy's POV:

Today is my first day here in Moorseville and it totally sucks. I just want to be back in Greensville with my friends enjoying my summer break. Since thats not an opition I guess I should just try and enjoy my time here. It is currently 10:57 am and I am just laying in my bed on twitter and I have decided that I need to get out of bed and get some fresh air. I get out of bed and take a shower and get ready for the day. Summer days in North Carolina are useually pretty nice so I just decided that I would wear jean shorts with a lace crop top and my maroone vans. After getting ready I head down stair for breakfast. I find a note on the fridge from my mom and it says " Goodmorrning sweetpea I hope you had a nice sleep last night! I had to leave early for work this morrning so you are on your own for breakfast and there is money on the table for you. Have fun and try and go out and meet new people today! Love you, have a great day. -mom" 

Well since I'm not exactually good with cooking I decide to make toast. Im used to making myself breakfast because my mom useually has to work alot. My father left us when I was 5 and although I do remeber him I just pretend I dont because its better that way. 

After I finish my toast and an episode of Spongebob I decide that I will just go to the local icecream shop to get ice-cream and just hangout around town. I grab my longboard and start twords the ice-cream shop. As I am skating down the sidewalk I think about everything. The move, my friends, my old school, my old life, and even my old friends from Mooresville. I wonder if they still remember me. It has been 2 years since I have talked to or seen any of them. I didnt visit last summer because I was always busy with basketball camps and I played on a summer leauge so I was always busy. Just as I was about to get my phone out and try and call my bestfriend from back home I run into somthing. I fall off of my board and look at my right hand that is now bloody from falling on the concrete. As I try to get up I see a hand in front of me and a guys voice start to apolize. I look up and all the memory's start to flood back. I could never forgett those blue eyes. That dark hair that always seemed to flow so perfectly. That smile that melted every heart in the room. Hayes. Hayes Grier. My bestfriend from two years ago. Although he hadent changed at all, I had. I lost about 40 pounds and my body also mature so my features have now changed a little. " Hello? are you okay?" Hayes asked. He must not remember me. " Yes, I'm fine. Just a little scraped up."  "Ohh my gosh, well let me help you I live just down the road, you can come to my house and we can get that cleaned up" he said has he pointed down the road twords the direction I had just come from. " No, it's fine. Im okay really." although I really wanted to hangout I didnt want to bother him. " No I insist. You are comming with me to get your hand cleaned up, no if's an's or but's about it." He said with a little chuckle. Damn he was so attractive. " Well okay but only for a few minutes." After that I noticed he had a board too and as he hopped on his I did the same. After a few seconds of silence he broke it. " So I never did catch your name" he said with an adorable little smile on his face. " Oh my name is Macey. Macey Brook's." I said a little nervously, hopeing he would remember. Thats when he turned and looked at me like I just told him I killed someone. Thats when I knew.......he remembered me. 

AN/ hey guys so this book has a bit of a slow start but I promise it gets better soon! :)

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