chapter seven

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Ayden Grant

Saturday morning. Still alive. It's been one day at my new home. I won't be doing anything today with friends. Not like I have any.

Cameron wasn't in his room so I assumed he was with his friends or something. He probably has a social life, unlike me.


Omg. I had slept in till 1 o'clock. I usually only sleep till about ten. Eleven at the latest. I can't remember the last time I slept in this late.

I headed downstairs to see Mrs. Reese  cooking lunch. It smelled so good.

"Good afternoon, honey" she chirped. I asked what she was making. Spaghetti, one of my favorite foods. I haven't actually had in awhile.

"It smells delicious" I told her. I loved the smell of garlic. Who doesn't?

We ate lunch and the rest of the day went by pretty boring. I didn't do anything really.

On Sunday I did the same thing. Just sit around the house. Think about life. Something I do too much.

Monday morning. I hated Monday's. I'm pretty sure everyone does. I walked to school. It only took about 10 minutes. At least I didn't have to ride the bus anymore and we were closer to the school.

"Look who showed up. The school whore. Ayden Grant" I think his name was Luke. I didn't really know many peoples name. I didn't like talking to people.

"Not gonna say anything, huh?" Luke asked. Was I really a slut? I didn't send that picture willingly. I knew it was a bad idea, I shouldn't have send it in the first place. It was so stupid.

"Freak!" He yelled and pushed me into the lockers. Which hurt very much. I groaned in pain, still not replying to him.

I saw a group of people circling around looking to watch a fight. Some had their phones out recording.

"I didn't do anything" I whispered, desperately trying to defend myself. I really hadn't. I knew no one would believe me though. Everyone was against my side.

"What was that, freak?" Luke asked.

"I said I didn't do anything" I spoke louder  almost yelling but not quite. I saw his face turn into anger.

I saw him raise his hand and I knew he was about to hit me.

"Don't raise your voice at me, like that" he spoke with anger in his voice.

Luke punched me in my face. I immediately felt my jaw explode with pain. I groaned loudly from the pain in my face.

"You deserve that. Slut. Nobody wants you. Just kill yourself already" he said to me. All the people around laughing and still recording.

I deserved to die. I didn't even wanna be alive. Nobody liked me. I didn't even like myself.

I looked around and saw everyone staring and laughing. I started breathing quickly and felt my face get red from embarrassment.  I felt like I was having a panic attack. My eyes started watering and I felt a few tears slip out.

"Awe look. The freak is crying how pathetic! What a-" Luke started but was cut off when someone yelled his name.

"Luke. What are you doing?" The voice sounded familiar but I wasn't sure who it was. I didn't look up. I was so embarrassed right now. The whole school saw me get punched and cry.

"Messing with the freak of the school" Luke replied.

"Leave him alone. Class is about to start anyways" the guy replied. "Come on. Go to class now" he yelled at the people still recording.

I heard the footsteps and whispers of people shuffling away, hopefully with Luke too.

"I'll meet you in class. I gotta do something first" I heard the mystery guys voice say. It sounded so familiar I just couldn't place a name to it though.

I heard footsteps get louder and saw the shoes were now in front of mine. I finally looked up to see who it was.

Cameron. Cameron Reese. The guy I was now living with. Him.

He looked at me with this look in his eyes but I couldn't decipher what it was.

"Are you okay? Did he touch you? Did he hurt you? What did he say?" Cameron asked me. I still had tears in my eyes.

I looked down and cried harder. He pulled me into a hug. He had his arms wrapped around me. "It's okay. It's okay." He repeated to me.

"Don't listen to him. Or any of them. You're not a freak. You're not a slut. You're not a whore. You matter and you're important" he told me.

Why was he telling me this? He didn't even know me. I don't even he likes me. Nobody does.

I saw him raise his hand and I flinched as a natural response. He sighed and wiped my tears away saying "I'm not gonna punch you".

I don't understand why he was being kind to me. I really don't.

"Let's go to class. You don't wanna be late" Cameron said. We both walked out separate ways to our classes.

That was weird I thought. Cameron Reese was nice? He wasn't an asshole like the other day. What is happening?

I pondered that thought for the rest of the day.

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