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Where do I began? The only area I can think to start is five years ago til now. It will only make sense for you and I. My son, Ace, died from one of those things. I hate talking about how it happen but I have to sometimes so people understand why I do what I do. He was sleeping in his room and he always loved his window cracked very little, don't ask me why because his father and I HATE the cold. But anyways, I was washing our dirty laundry and I hear screams coming from his room... I run as fast as I humanly possible can to his room only to see that thing latched onto my sweet baby boy's neck. Ace looked at me with the worst fear you could imagine in a child's eye...

"Please let him go. I will give you anything!" I shouted. The blood sucking beast looked at me, removing it's teeth from his skin. Blood poured down his little neck, my heart raced.

"There's nothing you or anyone can do for me. Not anymore." The guy spoke, his eyes darken. Tears poured from my eyes and screams left my mouth. His teeth came out and went into Ace's skin again, he screamed. I ran over to him, not being scared of the thing. Ace's body slowly turned pale, his eyes slowly shut. I closed my eyes once his little body fell into my arms. He was gone. I turned to the vampire and he licked his lips and let out a moan.

"How could you!" I shouted with tears falling down my face. He smiled and quickly existed from my baby's room. I looked down at Ace, he looked so peaceful. I touched his little cheeks and pulled him close. I whisper 'I'm so sorry baby. Mommy loves you so so much.' I held him tight, waiting for a reply back from him. I got nothing...

This is why I don't like talking about it... It doesn't only end there, it keeps going. I had my closest best friend, Ashlynn, she died from one of them. Then my mother. One tried getting my husband but I was able to stop it. It didn't help much though because 2 weeks after that happen, my husband killed himself. He left a note saying; 'I love you so much Sweety. I just can't go on much longer. Ace was my everything, you were to but he changed my whole life. I always wanted to be a father since I didn't have one... Going on every day without him has been hell. Please stay strong like the woman I know you can be. Do it for me and if you can't, do it for Ace. I love you forever!!' I never thought he would become so weak or I would of got him some help. I became weak a few days after his death. Didn't leave the house, didn't eat but once a day. Didn't keep up my hygiene. Gave my dog to my father to take care if because I just couldn't stand having something me and husband once shared. Thankfully my dad came to visit from not hearing from me for 4 weeks and he helped me. Took me to the doctors to be put on medication and I had to stay at a mental institution place for a few months to make sure my health was back to normal. Once I got released, I went back home. I ended up selling the house because I couldn't stay there anymore. To many memories. To much happen here to stay. I moved in with my father to keep myself sane. My husband and I's dog died a little after I moved in. He got cancer and we caught it to late.

You can say a lot has happen to me. I could go on and on but you would get tired of the stories. I do. Point is, I'm a much different person now than I was five years ago. I show no emotions to anyone, completely heartless. I don't let myself have friends or family in my life. I didn't want to worry about losing that person to another blood sucking monster. Or hell, some medical problem. I was done with life. With feeling. I used to keep certain people close to me but after my father died two years ago, I just lost all hope for it. What was the point? There wasn't one. So back to what I asked... Where do I began? Really no where. I hunt vampires for a living and kill any human who is sick. Call me insane but if you haven't experienced what I have been through then you can't have any room to speak...
As I sit in the coffee shop, I search all around me. I just recently moved to Georgia because I read of the "attacks" happening here. I know it's not from wolf's, bears, random animal in the woods or whatever. It was vampires. I watch each person's body language and make sure I don't see anything un-human like. Vampires love trying to blend in but some fail pretty good at it. Specially the new ones. This young guy walks in, wearing nothing but black. My eyes stuck to him. Watched his every move. He walked past me causing me to quickly turn around in my chair. He stood in line then turned around to look at me. He smiled. I just nodded my head then looked away for a second. Once I turned back around, he was gone. Hmm. I stood up, searching for him. I grabbed my coffee, going outside. I saw him walking down the street. I ran up close to him, he turns to look at me and stops.

"Do you have a starring problem or just mental problems?" He asked cocky. Funny.

"Neither. I just know what you are." I quickly let out. His eye brows lifted.

"And what would that be?" He grinned, crossing his arms.

"Vampire." I reached in my back pocket and grabbed my wooden stake. I drove it into his chest and sure enough, I was right. His eyes widen then slowly closed as his body slowly died. His skin turned pale and a purple color. His veins showed everywhere. I looked around me, making sure nobody saw me. I grabbed his ankles and starting dragging him down the closest ally. I picked my lighter out of my jacket and lighter fluid and started pouring it on him. The flames went up and I just watched his body burn.. You might be wondering how I knew he was one, right? The black clothes kinda gave it away, mostly that his skin was more pale than someone normal. He was definitely a new one, so now I know for sure I'm in the right town...

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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