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Waking up in a familiar room with a familiar smell. But a new warmth. I started feeling around the bed, and I was pleasantly surprised by a tall man behind me, fast asleep with his head next to my shoulder. I could feel his chest rising and dropping, I could also feel his warm breath on my ear with a few soft snores. I waited for a bit. Taking in this moment, enjoying him next to me. He started moving and then turned me over and hugged me. I could feel his muscly back and chest. He pulled me back and took a look at me. "God you're beautiful" he said then started kissing me all over my face. "Stop- oh my god!". He stopped and let out a little laugh. "You are amazing".
"I love you so fricking much Rhett". He smiled at me then turned over to get out of bed. "Noooo don't gooooo" I said with a pout. "Come on, I'll make us some breakfast". "Yes please!" I said jumping out of bed. "I'll be one minute, I just need to put of some pants" I said shivering because how cold it was. "Ok, I'll be down stairs" he gave me a kiss on the cheek and left the room.
Everytime I come back to La, I always have a permanent smile on my face. I walked over to my bag and grabbed a pair of my old Christmas pyjama pants. I took of my shorts and put on the pants. "Wow. That smells amazing!" I said entertaining the kitchen. "I made pancakes" "oh my god yes please!". We sat down at the table and ate are food. "So what's the episode about today?" I said eating a bit of my pancake. "It's a cotton candy taste test" "ooo that sounds fun". We carried on talking and then Rhett checked his phone. "Oh gosh we need to be going in 5 minutes" "What!" "Shit" he said picking up are plates and putting them in the sink. "I'll go get dressed" I said rushing up the stairs. I ran into the room and grabbed some leggings and a hoodie. "Can you grab me some jeans!" Rhett shouted form downstairs. "Yes!" I went into his wardrobe and grabbed a pair of dark dad jeans. "Here you go" I said running into the kitchen with my shoes and his jeans on my hands. "Thanks. There's no time to go back upstairs so you'll have to look away" "okay" I said and turned to put my shoes on. I heard him hopping around. "You ok" I said laughing. "Oh shut up" he said, making me laugh even more. "Right lets go". We ran out and got in the car. "Right let's go get link". He pulled out of the driveway and finally we were on are way. "Oh by the way, Jen's ill" " What? No" I said in disappointment. "Yeah sorry". "I was so looking forward to seeing her". "She'll probably be better tomorrow" "I hope so". We pulled up next to link's place. "Hey link! Get in the car!" "Okay!". Link swung open the car door. "Wa hey, be carful" Rhett said with his hands in the air. "Sorry" link said sarcastically. "Right is everyone ready?" Rhett said like he was are father. "Yes" me and link said in unison. "So guys, guess what" link said in a mischievous way. "What" I said as I turned over to look at him. "I've started talking to a girl who used to go to school with me and Rhett". "Oooo who?" I said, eagerly. "Her names Christy" "Christy seddon?" (Idk if that was her last name or not). Rhett said. "Yeah! I'm surprised you remembered". "Of corse I remember her. She slapped me on the first day because I said her shirt made her look fat". " well I'm not surprised" we all laughed for a bit. "So have you met anyone yet Lizzie?" Link said. I looked over at rhett and gave him a questioning look. He shrugged. "Yeah liz. Have you met anyone" Rhett said with a smile. I rolled my eyes and said. "Yeah actually. He's really cute, but he's such a dickhead". "Hey!. Wel- a- I wouldn't know". "You'd like him link". "I can't wait to meet him" "I think you already have" "Oh really!?" "Yep-". "We're here!" Rhett said. We got out the car and started walking. "Oh come on, you have to tell me!" Link said whining. "You'll have to guess" "okay. Ermmmm well there's David from the cafe?. No not him.. ermmm. OH MY GOD! IS IT SOMEONE FROM THE CREW?!!?". "What the hell, no" I said laughing. "Well the only other boy you know, besides me, is Rhett"...
Silence. It was silent until link stopped walking and said. "Wait.. you guys???". Me and Rhett stopped and looked back at him. "I don't know. What do you think liz". Rhett said looking at me. "Maybe". "WHAT THE HELL OH MY GO-" I stopped link from taking by putting my hand over his mouth. "What the hell" link said whispering. "Well I don't really know what we are" I said turning to look at Rhett. "Guys!! There you are" Stevie said walking over to us. "Come on, we've been waiting". She grabbed mine and links arms with Rhett following us into the office. "Their here!" She shouted from down the hall. "Ayyyyyyy" the crew shouted from the other end of the hall. We entered the room and all eyes were on us. "Right we start in 30 seconds!" Stevie shouted as she went to sit down. I quickly took of my coat and sat in my chair. "You exited?" Rhett said. "Always". Rhett placed his hand
On my thigh and gave it a little squeeze. I smiled in response. "3,,2,,1" "Will it cotton candy?" Link said.
" let's talk about that" me and Rhett said in unison.

"Show skip"

"oh my god don't go near me with the cotton candy beard" I said trying to Dodge 'randy'. "Don't you want to hear a sweet nothing?". "Oh hell no" he laughed at my statement. As he walked away, I felt hands on my shoulders. "hello you" Rhett said. "Hello to you too" I turned up to look at Rhett. "Hey do you want to go to the office?" Rhett said Eagerly. "Okay" I replied a little to quick. "Right me and Lizzie are going to check the list for next weeks video" Rhett announced to the room. I heard a lot of mumbling "okay"s and "yeah"s.
As we walked away i saw link giving my a devilish smirk. I stuck my tongue out at him. We walked in and Rhett shut the door. "So, where is that list-" I was rudely interrupted by Rhett kissing me. "Okay never mind". I took of my hoodie and carried on kissing him until we heard a knock at the door. We both jumped at the sound and quickly got off of each other. The door slowly opened and Alex popped his head round the door. "Do you guys want to see the video?". " erm yeah" I said grabbing my hoodie off the floor. "Okay" He said leaving. "Well we will just have to finish this when we get home" he said in disappointment. "Yes we will".
"You guys ready?" Alex said. " yes" we all said in response.
Skip the video
"God Randy scares the hell out of me". Alex and Rhett laughed at my statement. "Can we see the comments?" Rhett said. "Oh yeah of course" Alex said scrolling down. "Oh link by the way you got a call from someone, I don't know who but they want you to call them back" Alex said.
"Oh okay". Alex and link left, leaving me and Rhett to read the comments. I saw comments like.
"Wtf Rhett was flirting with liz so much"
"Are they dating?"
"I fucking ship Rhett and Lizzie so much!"
"Can this be a relationship already?".
I pointed all the comments out to Rhett and he looked at me. "I think they'd love us to be together". "Me too" i said giving Rhett a little kiss. "What do you think all of the mythical beasts will think?". "Mixed".

Word count: 1380
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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2018 ⏰

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