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Bart knocked on the door and Elizabeth answered it.

"Hey guys!" he said as he walked through the door.

They all grunted in acknowledgment.

I was the only one who was somewhat perky.

I grabbed a controller and paused the game.

The guys groaned and I smacked the back of their heads.

They finally perked up somewhat and rubbed the back of their heads.

"I have good news boys, Chloe and Hayes are invited to come on tour with us!" Bart said.

"Yes!" Hayes and I both whisper yelled.

The guys looked at us and laughed.

I frowned and realized that I would look like a weakling in a wheelchair on stage.

Cam realized why I was frowning and motioned with his head to my foot.

Bart didn't take hints easily so we just let it drop.

"Brent you can come too. We leave tomorrow." He said.

He was gone and Brent started doing his happy dance.

Cam and I left an went back home.

He wheeled me inside and brought in the crutches.

I told him to leave them on the couch.

"Can you carry me upstairs?" I asked him.

"Sure." he replied.

He carried me upstairs and into my room.

He left and brought my wheelchair up the flight of stairs.

He left me alone. I knew he felt bad about what happened. He was never this quiet around me. Cam was always laughing and having fun.

I felt bad about what happened and I'm sure he felt horrible.

I wheeled myself out of the room and started over to the bathroom.

I pushed open the door and went inside. I brushed my hair and packed all my toiletries into a bag.

I left the bathroom and I overheard Cameron talking to someone on the phone.

It sounded like he was crying.

I waited outside the door to see what he was crying about.

"But guys I could have ruined her foot forever. I'm never going to hurt her again. I have to be extremely careful. Today was a wake up call. She's not invincible. She probably hates me." I heard him say.

I felt the tears welling up in my eyes and I pushed open his door. "you think I hate you?" I asked him as a single tear ran down my face.

I wheeled my chair back to my room and locked the door.

I rolled into my bed and just cried.


I saw her wheel her chair away and I felt even worse.

"Got to go." I said and clicked the disconnect button.

I walked to her room and tried to open the door.

It was locked so I said her name,

" Chloe? Can you please open the door?"

I heard her sniffle and the lock click.

I opened the door and saw her face was all puffy and tears running down her face.

I pulled her into a tight hug and we just stood there for a minute.

I let go and grabbed a hold of her shoulders.

"You don't hate me?" I asked sort of squatting.

"Why would I?" she asked me as she sniffled.

I hugged her again and helped her over to her bed. I walked over to her dresser and grabbed her Mac.

She unlocked it and Skyped Nash and Hayes.

"We need to do a Mr steal your girl." She said.

Brent's head popped into the screen when he heard the phrase.

"We'll be there in 5." Nash said.

••5 minutes later••

The doorbell rang and I answered it.

Chloe was sitting on the couch watching some show on abc.

She turned off the tv and everyone sat down next to her.


Nash spoke up," So Mr steal your girl huh Chloe?"

"It'll be fun!" I said.

We made a plan where Brent would be giving me a hug and Nash swooped in, grabbed me by the waist and planted a smooch on my lips.

Hayes would film and Cam was going to watch.

We opened the back door and started right inside.

I hugged Brent and when I let go Nash swooped in and pulled me by the waist and kissed me. I kissed back until the camera stopped.

Afterwards Nash smirked and I blushed a lot.

Little sister (magcon boys fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now