I woke in a hospital bed and wires were everywhere.
I saw Cam next to me and I said ,"Why are you crying?"
He jumped and looked at me then practically tackled me.
There was a knock on the door and Cam motioned for me to be pretending to sleep again and all the guys came in. Nash came over and pecked me on the cheek.
Aww he missed me.
Cam tapped me on the shoulder and I re-enacted how I woke up.
"Why are you crying?" I asked.
Everyone jumped back then tackled me.
I giggled and someone called the doctor in.
They all got off of me and he said I was free to go.
Cam scooped me up and we all walked out.
He set me down next to the car and Nash came over.
Hugging me he whispered into my ear," We missed you Chlo."
He picked me up and shoved me into the car.
When we got back I used Carter and Shawn to help me to the elevator.
Once we were all in our rooms I told Cam that I had a slight crush on Nash.
He looked as me with a fake surprised look and sarcastically said," No! Really?"
"What are you two talking about?" Nash asked as he sat down next to me.
"Nothing." I said.
"Actually..." Cam started," My little sister has a..." I looked at him pleading for him not to tell Nash." SECRET LOVE OF TACOS!" He screamed.
I buckled over laughing and so did everyone else.
We all watched The notebook even though the guys hated it and got ready for bed.
I raced Cam to the bathroom on my hands and knees and he got there first I put my other foot in the door and forgot about what happened the last time.
Nash saw what I did and yelled to Cam," STOP HER FOOTS IN THE DOOR!"
Nash ran over and pushed me out of the way before the door closed.
"Dammit what are you trying to do to yourself?" Nash screamed at me.
I hate it when people yell at me, it always makes me cry.
I hobbled over to the bed, got under the covers, and cried.
The were silent tears but I they all knew what was going on.
Mahogany went over to Nash and took him outside with her.
Carter and Matt pulled the covers off of me and tried to calm me down but it wasn't working.
Nash came back in with Mahogany and sat in the other half of the room.
Carter went over to Nash and whisper yelled at him. Mahogany sat next to me and tried to soothe me and she actually kind of succeeded. I eventually fell asleep.
Everyone was yelling at me for trying to keep Chloe safe. Great now, for trying to do the right thing I'm in trouble.
Carter and Matt went to sleep and I climbed into bed.
Cam snuggled up next to his baby sister and we all went to sleep.
I woke up with my face snuggled up next to Cam's chest.
I rolled over and slipped out of the bed.
My suitcase was at the bottom of the closet so I put all my clothes in it and put it by the front door.
I grabbed the key card off the counter and went down to get breakfast.
I grabbed 5 plates of pancakes and headed upstairs.
Everyone but Nash was awake by now and I gave them all breakfast.
When I was done eating I walked over to Nash and pushed the plate full of syrup all over his head.
He woke up and rubbed his eyes.
I dropped down to the floor and rolled under the bed.
Nash got off the bed and I pretended I was a ninja. I snuck up behind him and jumped on his back.
He fell to the ground and I stood up and plopped onto my bed.
2 hours later we all left the hotel and left for the airport. Cam gave me a piggy back ride through the airport. Security was even a breeze.
At the shop Cam traded off with Shawn. He was listening to his iPhone so I stole an earbud and found out he was listening to himself. Shallow.
We sat down at the loading dock and waited for our section to be called.
The called first class or handicapped so Cam carried me onto the plane.
I was in between Cam and Carter again.
I put my boot in Carter's lap and my head on Cam's shoulder.

Little sister (magcon boys fanfic)
FanficChloe and Cameron Dallas are siblings and they are really close.Chloe is like a little sister to all the magcon boys. She has a crush on Matt. But Nash has had a crush on her for a long time. Chloe is invited to go on Magcon tours with them and...