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My mom and Joe Joe - now we call him that- bought a place in orem UT. It was a Small apartment. It had 3 bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a dinning room , and a living room. Since there was only 3 bedrooms Emily and I shared a room, Jacalyn and Cardin shared a room, and my mom and Joe Joe had the master bedroom.

A couple of months passed by and we are eating breakfast for dinner on a Saturday night at my moms. All of us are eating and having a good time when Joe Joe starts yelling.

" Cardin keep your food on your plate." Cardin puts his sausage on his plate. Cardin is really weird. He hates his food touching. So when he put the sausage on the table, he put it there because he had syrup all over his pancakes and plate. So...yeah....

When Cardin puts his sosage on the table again Joe freakes.

" I'm gonna teach you a lesson boy. You keep your food on your plate!" He reached over the table to strike Cardin, when my mom steps in front to shield him from Joseph.

" You can not harm my kids, Joe. You can not. "

" I can do what ever I want to do to them Marie. I am the guardian of them."

" No you arn't Joe, you are thier step-dad. And you can not harm them."

I looked around at my siblings, they all looked like they were gonna cry. I tapped Emily's shoulder, and whispered in her ear to 'grab Jacalyn and bring her to our room'. She gave me a quick nod and whispered something to Jacalyn took her to our room, I fallowed close behind gripping Cardin's wrists. When all four of us were in mine and Emily's room I closed and locked to door.

" Can everyone get on Emily's bed please." I said in the calmest voice I had trying not to show any fear for them. As soon as everyone was up in Emily's bed, I went to the door and grabbed the first thing I saw, a barbie doll. Yelling in the kitchen stopped there was a moment of silence, then my mom knocked on the door and asked us to open it. When Mom was in the room we locked the door again and put all of our body weight on it.

" Mom I'm scared." Jacalyn said, her poor face was sooked in tears. I looked at mom and saw that she had her phone and was dling someone.

" Mom who are you calling?" I said with no fear in my voice.

" The police. He is a monster." She put the phone to her ear and told them what happened and her address then she hung up.

In 5 minutes the police showed up. They came to the room we were hiding in and talked to my mom, my siblings and me. Then they were on their way, without taking Joseph to jail.

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