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Leo's pov

"She's gone." I cried for the hundredth time since we came back from the border.

"They took her to God knows where and I can't do anything to help her! I don't even knew where to start" I nearly pulled my hair out in frustration.



"Leonardo!" My father scolded and then sighed loudly.

"Get a grip of yourself, this is no way to behave. I understand the severity of the situation as much as you do, but you need to keep a cool head. You need to learn how to handle stressful situations. You can't be a crying mess right now. We need you to be strong" My father finished ,earning a cold glare from me. I quickly turned my face away, realizing I was just being bitter.

It all kept replaying in my head. The second we arrived at the house that Josie was living in - it was clear that something was definitely not right. Her front door was wide open. The room was in bad shape, like someone had gone through it, there was broken glass next to the door. The carpet looked bunched closer to the door indicating that someone tried to stay grounded against a force. There were also marks on the wall like someone had tried to claw at it and I realized - she must've surely put up a fight.

My brave mate tried to fight back when those people came in but she clearly was out numbered or wasn't strong enough. Her scent was everywhere and I hated myself even more for not being there earlier. My dad kept on saying that it could've happened to anybody and that there was no way I could've known she was in danger, but it didn't make me feel any less guilty.

To think - if I had only came earlier. Took her like I promised then all of this would've never happened. My father was right, I needed to stop grieving because my mate wasn't dead, she was just taken and the longer I stood and did nothing, the more danger she could be in. I never thought that the Kaen would do something like this, even after so many years of violence from them they had never once taken anyone. Maybe they knew who she was - but how could they have known that she was my mate? If anything happened to her I'd surely fade away.

We were currently in the living room and my dad had started talking to Lucas in a hushed tone. It wasn't my place to eavesdrop even though I was tempted to. One of our guards walked in and announced to my father that 'she' had arrived. Who was he referring to?

"Escort her in" he replied and started walking in the direction of his office.

"Dad" I called, successfully stopping him in his tracks. He turned back and watched me, waiting for me to speak up.

I had never been nosey when it came to my father's business but a part of me was so anxious and needed to hear some good news to comfort my unsettled heart. My feet faltered when my eyes caught a woman walking our way.

I was amazed at her resemblance to Josie. She looked like an older version of her, the only difference being that the woman standing before us had blue eyes instead of that brown that had caught my eye from day one.

She looked out of place, her eyes taking in everything before her. I could understand how she was feeling, it wasn't everyday that a normal werewolf could stand in front of the Alpha or even be in his very home - sometimes it got overwhelming for me too. She knelt down to bow to my father but he quickly stopped her before she reached the ground.

"There's no need for that" he smiled. "We have a lot to discuss" he motioned for me to come closer.

"Meet my son, I'm sure you're aware of his connection with your daughter." He patted me on the shoulder. "We're practically family now"

She smiled but it did not quite reach her eyes, she looked at me with a look of sadness before clearing her throat.

"My office is this way" my dad announced as he took the lead and walked in front of us.

As we walked quietly behind my father, I felt a light tug on my arm. I looked down at the petite woman as she glanced at me.

"I'm not justifying my daughter, but I need you to know that she needs time to absorb this. She doesn't have a good view when it comes to mates. You seem like a good kid, none of her actions are anything against you" she explained and looked like she wanted to hug me or something but decided against it. I felt a painful tug at my heart and nodded, allowing her words to calm me down.

She talked about Josie like she believed she was safe at the house. Realization dawned on me that she had no clue of what had happened to her daughter. How could she know, as far as I was concerned only the pack house and selected people knew about the Kaen and our Luna's abduction.

I knew my father had heard her, but I was grateful that he didn't turn around. He had respected her kind words directed at me and chose not to interfere. Once we reached his office, he offered her a seat and I decided to lean against the door.

"Feel free Miss, my home is practically your home" my father smiled warmly.

"Please call me Julie" she smiled back.

My father sighed and you could feel the tension in the room before he spoke.

"I know this isn't what you were expecting and I had hoped that we would meet for the first time under better conditions but there is a serious matter that I need to discuss with you.I assume you haven't heard of what happened?"

"Exactly what happened? Does this have to do with my daughter?" She asked.

"I'm afraid that your daughter has gone missing, we believe she was taken." My father broke the news.

I watched her look back to me and my dad with confusion written all over her face. Once she realized that we weren't joking her face fell and panic fell upon her features.

"What do you mean she's missing? She's near the border with a very good friend of mine. I called her this morning - She was fine" she panicked.

"I can imagine what you must be feeling right now, the people who have done this go by the name 'The Kaen' are being looked for and I trust my hunters to find them. We are all on high alert." My father said trying to calm her down. I could sense her uneasiness.

"Are you sure it was her who was taken? It could've been anyone near the border – right?"

"We went and checked the house, she is the one that was taken, the Kaen have a distinctive scent and there was no way we could've missed it lingering inside the house"

"Kaen?" She repeated, a thoughtful expression later and she silently gasped. "These Kaen people, do they have a leader?" She asked fearfully.

Are we missing something?

"John Kaen" my father spoke and you could've sworn he had said the devil's name instead by the look on her face.

"Do you know who this man is?" I quickly asked, if she had any information then it'd make finding Josie a lot easier - hopefully.

She gulped and ran a nervous hand through her hair. She stuttered and I saw fear in her eyes, more-so torment and pain. What had the kaen done to this poor woman? Matter of fact, what did he have to do with her?

She finally said with a heavy heart.

"John Kaen is Josie's father"


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