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"Ugh." I groaned as I laid back on the sofa holding my aching stomach. It felt like I was being punched the way these cramps were hitting me.

And the fact that this pain came out of nowhere scared me. I was completely fine ten minutes ago.

"I'm ready Bey!" I heard Tae yell as she came down the stairs with her bags. Seeing me leaning over the couch holding my stomach made her rush over towards me. I smiled at her being genuinely concerned.

"What's wrong?" She asked frantically.

"I'm having horrible cramps right now," I said, "Give me five minutes and I'll be ready."

She sat next to me and rubbed my stomach. I laid my head on her shoulder and we stayed in that position for awhile until I realized I had to take her to the airport.

Having Tae here with me was a breather. Being with her definitely kept my mind off Jay and it was nice just being in her presence. Those FaceTime calls and text messages doesn't compare to having my best friend here with me.

"Do you really have to leave?" I asked with a pout. Time went by so fast and now she was leaving.

"I didn't want to overstay, I'm sorry. Maybe you can come to Dallas and be with me for a few days. I know you miss Texas."

"I really do. Where are you assigned next?"

She smiled, "Hawaii. I'm going to hate it, but it's gonna be a nice vacation. Where do you go?"

"I'll be in Florida for two months," I said, "I leave in March."

"Well that gives you two months to be here with your man, having quality time."

I rolled my eyes at that and shook my head. I have yet to address Jay's infidelity to him but I'm pretty sure I will soon. With Tae gone, that gives me my chance to act a fool on his ass.

"Don't kill him." She mumbled before standing up and pulling me up with her.

"I keep telling myself that, but I feel it in my bones. I'm so hurt..."

"And you're trying to hold all that in. It's going to get ugly."

I nodded, "I'll be okay. I've been through worse."

"A heartbreak is different though. No matter how you're feeling right now, you know you love that man and don't want to let him go."

"I don't Tae. I really don't, but look what he has done to me. There's no telling how long he's been seeing that woman and whoever else. He have me out here looking foolish."

Tae pulled me into a hug — a hug that I desperately needed. I'm so sad she's leaving.

"Do your stomach feel better?" She asked, pulling away and putting her hand on my belly. I got a weird feeling so I removed her hand and looked at her funny.

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