Brave had finally done it.... she had finally killed her mother in her sleep. she was no going to live in the woods. on her own. she could look after herself. at least her mother was a tasty feast that she didnt have to worry about anymore... her father would be disgusted. but she didnt care. she was a vampire and was happy.
Brave woke up to the sound of her mothers screaming for her to get up and go to school.
"get up you lazy ass...come on your fat ass is going to be late for your first day of school. get a move on... hurry up i am not going to wait forever..."
ahhh to bad that murder was just a dream. brave wished so much that it was not a dream. but alas it was only a dream. what was that sh*t about a dream is a wish your heart makes. well... yeah theres her wish right there.
she never got the fairytales... never understood the fairy tale endings. the beautiful girl always getting prince charming... the supernatural always getting destoyed. that was never fair. fairytales dont exist unless you are a princess of a prince or a damsell in distress and as you can see Brave was none of yeah.
brave came down the stairs with her black hair in a messy ponytail at the back of her head, red skinny jeans, heavy mascra and eyeliner, cherry red lip stick, blue contacts to hide her red eyes from hunger, a black leather jacket and a semi-long white frilly top to hide her scars on her stomach.
she didnt even bother to lock the house or say goodbye to her...well 'mother'... she just walzed outside, briskly walking the many blocks to hell... aka school.
on the way... declan passed her... she hated him so much. but then again she hated every one.
"You want a ride, Brave or are you too scared. haha."
"great fail of a pun declan... and uh no i would rather die."
"Ohhh thats drastic measures, even for you my dear princess."
Brave walked right infront of his car, slammed her fist on the hood... careful to make a dint and looked him right in the eye... he gulped and she howled in laughter.
"I am not a princess... dont you dare call me by any other name than my name you dimpsh*t. Brave and only brave."
"Ok...ok jeez woman i was only trying to be nice."
"Go find someone else to p*ss off please Declan."
"No... now please get in the car. we are going to be late for school."
"Ha fine.. but like you care if we are late"
"Yeah I know right I don't! Feel like wagging or...."
"Nope maybe some other time."
She got in the car but was sure to slam the door when she finally was seated. he took of in a flash. she had to hold the side door to stop herself from smashing her head on the windscreen.
"You should put your seatbelt on brave."
he actually sounded worried. what was wrong with him today he never offered her a ride in the first place...
"Maybe you should stop worrying Declan, you can get worry lines in your forehead."
Brave Haden's hadn't laughed in ages. it felt so good. in felt natural. too bad it wasn't.
Brave put her hands high up in sky ---(above the convertible)--- and screamed... and to her surprise Declan whopped along with her.
Her hair flinging everywhere, her throat dry from the wind. she was happy and a smile that wasn't fake plastered on her face. brave was smiling... she was smiling for the first time since her fathers death. she loved the wind on her face. but then again any runner would...
"Maybe it was a need for speed that made you smile hey princess."
She scowled but hit him on the arm hard and her smile disappeared.
"Come on brave stop pouting. I should be the one pouting since you hit me for goodness sake."
"You deserved it Declan..."
"Ohhh I'm so scared brave."
"Come on dipsh*t, hell awaits."
"Ok thats not as scary as your face princess."
brave walked briskly into hell.... well school... and knocked anyone who was in her way. she kept her eyes on the floor and her hair covered her face. most people knew to keep out of her way but then there was the odd few how she just shoved aside.
"unlucky bastards." brave almost smiled to herself as she thought of how she would kick ass today. declan's specifically.
20% angel, 80% devil
Non-Fiction(Course language) she was a fallen angel. when she landed she became an evil creature... forever to roam the earth and live among the humans in disguise. Brave keeps to herself, she is intelligent, cute, beautiful, kind, considerate but most of all...