Songs that saved my life

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Hello, yes, it's my annoying ass again. It's my book, deal with it. Aaaaannnnd most people probably already clicked away because they realised this is an author's note.

So, hi, people/person who didn't leave. If you are wondering about the title, I recently discovered about this project thing-y, which, honestly, I don't know what the hell it is. Part because I found about it today and part because I just genuinely don't know.

But! There is an youtube chanel by that name where they have quality(content) covers and short vids with the artists talking about how the song they covered saved their life. I also saw that they have have like vynils and merch and stuff and you better consider buying it 'cuz the money goes to charity.

I would do it myself, but...I'm p much broke, I have no way of playing vynils and I live in bumfuk europe, so shipping would cost me more than the actual stuff I'm buying.

Any-groom's-bride, in conclusion, buy stuff because the covers are 12/10, the merch design is v pretty and because the money goes to mental-illness related charity. Now, I shall leave you to this video of my mother, Patty Walters, 'cuz he knows how to use words to make phrases to express ideas better than I can.

(I may have or have not almost cried watching this)

Okie Dookie, bai.

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