Knowing Ally

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Ally handed me sweat pants and a black top with neon pink daft punk written all over the front and a pretty lace pattern at the back. I didn’t have a hair straightener and I didn’t want anyone to see my curly hair so I tied it in a rough bun at the top. I walked out of the bathroom and into the main room and saw ally empting the closet.

"Uhm, Al whatchu doin ?"

"Well I'm sure you don’t what the dumb alpha dog coming in here to take his clothes every time he wants them so I'm taking it to his room."

I laughed at Nate's nickname but then I didn’t know why she hated him  

"Why do you hate him so much?"

she sighed I could see hurt flash through her eyes but she quickly covered it up

"That y lovely is  story for another time,"

Just before I was about to question further she perked up

"You hungry blondie ??"

I giggled " Yeah blackie what's for breakfast??"

she sighed "Oh moon goddess you just had to make her literally blonde"

I playfully punched her arm "Hheeyyy, im right here"

she giggled "Lovely if u haven't noticed the beautiful setting sun outside your window and if u haven't noticed how your room is filled with the beautiful glow I think I should call the pack doctor"

I looked around and gasped I didn’t close the curtain so I could see the view of the sun setting and hiding behind the forest trees, the beautiful orange glow that filled the room, honestly I think I have the best room in the house!!

"That’s my dear is very true," Ally said next to me, her eyes closed just enjoying the moment . I closed my eyes too enjoying the warmth of the room and out of nowhere Ally screamed

"Food, I want food, feed me nooowwww!!!"

I jumped and stood in front of ally a strong sense of protecting her coming up . Took me a sec to realize what she did and I turned to look at her. I pursed my lips and bowed my head

"you just had to be the crazy hyper type !!!" I said sadly while shaking my head

she jumped and spanked her ass while turning and waking out the room shouting

"Baby you looove me! now bring your ass here so I can eat before I come back there"

I shook my head and followed her out I saw her at the end of the hall walking I followed her we walked past what I would say is the game room with the amount of boys that were in there ally was strutting the halls proudly and confidently the boys just staring at her in awe I walked few steps behind proudly and dominantly, yeah and I didn’t miss the lustful  stares being shot our way . We arrived in a large kitchen and there were a lot of mothers and pregnant women bickering up and down with food . Trust me it was complete and utter chaos. Like how shopaholics get when there's an 80% off sale. I stopped by the entrance and pulled Ally back

 "I'm not getting in there even if my life depends on it" I said pulling my guard up

"okay "

I sighed in relief. well she said that pretty fast and with no argument at all…. a single moment to think what just happened … fuck !!

Ally pulled me back in the kitchen so fast I didn’t even have time to pull back I even think she dislocated my arm. when we got into the kitchen the whole room went quiet you could hear a pin drop .. I should know I bumped into a table and a spoon fell, okay spoons make a lot of noise but still you get my point the ladies all turned and looked at me and all their eyes changed into bright orange … their wolves surfaced, that was plain as day

" Welcome back luna" they all said at once with bowed heads

at the moment I really didn’t know how to answer

"Uhm, thanks?"

I turned to look for Ally and she was casually leaning against a counter chewing on some cheeto's and two  cans of coke on the other hand. I gave her a questioning look and she just shrugged like it was such a usual thing and threw me the other can and dragged me out. Like seriously what the hell am I gonna do with this girl.

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