Chapter five: The poem

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As we were walking towards the library Jake said something "you know there's still something bothering me" "oh what's that?" "Well we never figured out that...." Jake was cut short by the bell for school blaring out of the speaker. "I'll talk to you after school" I shouted to Jake over the kids and the bell as I rushed to the class room." And then we can give the book back". I shouted again. I thought I heard Jake say something back but I didn't want to be late for class so I rushed to the classroom thinking it couldn't have been that important.

I met up with Jake after school and he said "That thing that was bothering me still was that we never found out what that smudged poem was." "Oh yeah I forgot about that. Maybe we can work on it this afternoon." "Can't I've got to help dad in the shed today; maybe tomorrow." "Yeah ok and I can see if there's anything about a Salvanian wolf dog on line."

I was at home lying on my bed, reading through my book when mum walks in and says "what are you doing, sweetie. You look a bit bored. Maybe you can ride your bike over to Jakes and see if he wants to play." "Nah I can't, he's helping his dad out in the shed." Mum sighed and left the room.

I was thinking about when we had found Liam's journal and how he had said... "Then I realised that if I smudge that poem and hide the page just in case, make sure they find the book and read it, that it would be puzzling them for ages." Then it hit me, smudge that poem. That means that Liam must have seen the poem before he smudged it. LIAM KNOWS WHAT THE POEM SAID. I have to find a way to get him to tell me what it said. But how? I wondered anxiously waiting for an answer to my question. I figured after a while of thinking that I should have some dinner. Maybe then I'll be able to think a little better. I wonder what's for dinner.

I walked down the stairs and through the hallway, into the kitchen. "What's for dinner mum?" I asked looking at a pot on the stove. "Well there are some cooked vegies over there and to go with them is your favourite." "What?" "It is steak". Yum, I loved steak.

After dinner I went back to lying on my bed and thinking about how I was going to get Liam to tell me what the poem said. He was never going to tell me. Anyway, why would he? He wouldn't gain anything out of it. I have to trick him into telling me. But how? Meanwhile I researched 'Salvanian wolf dog'. It took a few tries until I got some good information, on a website called 'www.Find_out_Salvanianwolfdog.Com' it had some pretty good information on it too. Though most of it was already in the book, Like that it ate fenan berries and it had sharp teeth, and stuff like that. And other bits were just complete rubbish. The website unlike the others also had information on it that the book didn't have. I couldn't wait to tell Jake tomorrow.

Soon I drifted off into a deep sleep. There were too many things on my mind to concentrate on just one thing, so I cleared my mind and tried to pick one thing to think about as I slept.

<A/N> I didn't edit this one. So I'm sorry if it's bad.

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