Chapter two: Bullies

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The next day at school all of the kids teased, laughed and wrote notes about us. Jake and I just looked at each other, shrugged and went on with our work. It was a bit hard to concentrate with everything going on and the teacher wasn't really helping either he was just about falling asleep. He must have had a really rough night because nobody could sleep through this. I looked at Jake who was sitting next to me. I could see he was having a rough time too. I knew it was having more of an effect on him than it was me though. After a while the noise will die down, I thought to myself and sure enough it did.

At recess and lunch we had nobody teasing, laughing, throwing things at us or even passing messages about us because the bullies never use the library they reckon that the library is for nerds. So we had the library all to ourselves. The year fives are also the only ones that are allowed to use the library during recess and lunch anyway.

After school Jake and I were walking home with the Salvanian Wolf Dog book that I borrowed just before we left so that we could do some more research about him. But just as we were walking home the kids that were teasing us stepped out and said "well look who we have here" and I said "well this is Jake and I think you already know me", the kids got very angry and we all started arguing. The next thing we knew we were laying on the ground with scratches and bruises all over us. Jake had a blood nose and I had some blood dripping off my fore-head.

We were both laying there dazed and sore. I looked at my hands and then started fretting. "WHERE'S THE BOOK" I shouted struggling to get up. "I must have dropped it in all the chaos" I screeched to Jake who was sitting there staring at me bluntly. I turned around and started searching for the book when Jake interrupted my frantic searching and put a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to look at him. "I have the book" he said to me as he lifted up his hand and revealed the book. I stood there lost for words. I leaned in and hugged Jake "you're the best friend any one could ever have" I said to him gratefully. "I know" he joked.

Eventually the principle was walking home and saw us. He helped us to the nurse's office back at school and asked what had happened. We told him everything that happened and he took us home. The principal talked to my mum about the incident this afternoon with the kids while we did some research on Scar.

As I was flipping through the book Jake leaned into his bag and pulled out something and placed it on the table. "I also found Liam's journal" he said and flipped it open to a page. He passed it to me and I read it.

Those two nitwits Loren and Jake are up to something I know it. Usually when we tease them they react to it and today they didn't. They've been going to the library allot more often and everywhere they go they carry that Salvanian wolf dog book I saw last week. They think that I don't believe that scar exists, but they're wrong I believe he's real. When I realised they were very interested in him I decided to hide the book. Then I realised that if I smudge that poem and hide the page just in case, make sure they find the book and read it, that it would be puzzling them for ages. I didn't know where to hide it so I just slipped it under a shelf way over in the corner where nobody goes. Then they would never find it.

I decided, that because they love that book so much that I should try and steal it from them after school tomorrow with the gang.

I want to capture scar and get loads of money unlike those nitwits who just want to see it and take photos and care for it and blah blah blah.

Jake and I started talking and discussing about what Liam had wrote when the principle walked in and said "if they ever bully you again feel free to talk about with a teacher, a parent or myself". Jake and I nodded and said good bye. "Cool now we know that Liam was trying to find scar as much as us" I said to Jake. "Yeah but I still don't understand why Liam and those kids have to bully us around all the time". "Who knows why" I said "there just those type of people". "Yeah but I still don't get why they have to be so mean" Jake asked. "All we need to worry about now is getting that page back and how we're going to find Scar" I said as I flipped through the book trying to find the page that Liam was talking about. As I was trying to find it I saw Jake staring off into space.

When I had found some ripped paper near the spine of the book I clapped my hands and Jake jumped. "Sorry" I said "but I found where Liam had ripped out the page". "Cool" exclaimed Jake. I passed the book to him and he examined it closely. "I guess we should go to the library tomorrow then" Jake said. "Yeah and we should put Liam's journal back in the bush so he thinks we didn't find it" I said. "Ok"

Later on we came to an agreement that Liam knows we're looking for Scar and doesn't want us finding him. A few minutes later, Jake said "I couldn't sleep last night because I couldn't stop thinking about what was on that page". I nodded with agreement and we kept on working.

The next day we were searching the library for any more books on Salvanian wolf dogs and the page when Suddenly I saw the mysterious page under one of the shelves, I slowly walked towards it and picked it up I looked at it and ran to Jake. I quickly snatched the book out of under his arm and quickly turned to the part where the page was missing and put in the page that I found in it. The page fit perfectly. It was the missing page then Jake asked what I was doing so I told him I had found the page. Then we both looked at it and saw that it was a map to where to find Scar. It also had something written on it ...

It was a mysterious poem or something but it was smudged and was too hard to make out. But just next to it was the small map that had a drawing of scar on top of the mountains that were out of bounds. Jake and I knew exactly what it meant, it meant that Liam read this page and now he's going to try and find scar and by looking at the big red cross he drew there I don't think they're going there to greet him!

Jake and I decided he would sleep over and at sunrise we would begin our journey.

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