Only Robot (SS1)

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Hey! Sorry, I really have not been publishing many things for a while, because I was working on this! This is just a short story my school wanted to do, and I wanted to share it with you!

P.S: Thanks to my editor, Mia, for editing and working on From Day One so hard.

P.P.S: Why did I remove BEGINNING INFINITY?! Because I'm making something greater!

"Wake up.... WAKE UP!"

A robot wakes, and sees one person with a name tag "Isaac"

"Hello, I am Isaac, your name is Creative. Action. Liberator. Alternatively, C.A.L, and your job is to destroy the people with emotional minds. And those who speak of it."

"I am CAL, and I am here to destroy the ones who speak creatively," Said CAL

In a world where emotion is banned because of the government implying that emotional thinking is bad and can cause more theft and murder, therefore, the whole world has gone darkness and only following procedure like robots, and the government created a robot to arrest, destroy, and possibly kill the ones with emotional minds. 3 days ago, this law started. And almost everyone agreed, except for some teenagers going through puberty.

(One week later.)

CAL reboots himself up and sees that he is in a testing facility room, completely white and very bright with all the lights, with four other teens, one boy with black hair, a black shirt, dark as space. One girl that has long dyed blue hair, as blue as the ocean, has a sweater that looked overly big. One boy that looks Asian, with blond hair and with a yellow T-shirt on, bright as the sun. Then a girl who looked African and wore a smile shirt, which had a big grin on it. All the teens had the same school symbol, two swords and a lion in the middle. CAL looked at himself a boy with whitish-blond hair; he had the same symbol, wearing a V-neck sweater and white long-sleeved shirt under. Then something rang in his ear.

"CAL, this is Isaac, remember, you are undercover, you cannot let them figure out that you're a robot. Or else this whole plan will fail, what we are trying to do is to scare them, and let the emotion run out of them, and possible arrest them if they fail. We will put you through a series of tests, you have no emotion but try to act as you are one of them, you are a self-developing AI, I will now proceed to wake them up through a speaker. Don't fail us." Said Isaac through an ear transmitter.

An alarm blares through the room they are in, the teens start waking up, slowly one by one. The speaker in the corner starts speaking,

"Hello! You five from Counterlion High School have been chosen, to be test subjects of the next world, you will have to proceed through a trial of puzzles to prove your worth, and if you fail, we will arrest your families and make you stay with them too, forever. Ok, that is about it and have fun!"

The boy with the black hair starts stammering, "W-w-what, THERE GOING TO DO WHAT!" and then instantly gets angry.

The two girls are on the ground sobbing, and crying.

The Asian kid got up and walked forward to CAL, and hugged him saying, "I'm so sorry." in a whisper

CAL, knowing what to do says to everyone,

"You heard what they said; now we have to get out of here!" Says CAL

"That person's right, we better introduce our selves first before we move on. Hi, I'm Alec." Says the boy with black hair

"I'm Sandra," Said the girl with brown hair.

"I'm Lee," Said the boy that looked Asian

"I'm Mary," Said the girl that looked African

Short stories! (Will update time to time~~~~!)Where stories live. Discover now