Chapter. seven

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I'm republishing this chapter as I added more to it as it was well under 250 words and it was bugging me so here is some more crappy writing from me now this chapter is at 654 words. 

As I sat in the hospital room with Victor, a few minutes passed of complete silence until I asked if Victor was really okay, and he answered with no. I asked what was wrong and he said he can't be with the one person he loves most because of their crazy ex. I looked at Victor sadly and said, "I love you, Victor, and I'm very sorry that Kenny is doing this to us." Victor looked at me and kissed me hard on the lips. I kissed him back just as hard. Sadly, the kiss was over a few seconds later. I looked into Victor's eyes, and I could see all the pain he was in, and I couldn't take it anymore. I hugged Victor very close to me, being careful of his still badly injured shoulder. I whispered in Victor's ear, "I will always love you and will never find a better person I would want to share my life with". After a few seconds, a nurse walked in to make sure Victor was doing better. She left a few moments later to go to another patient. I leaned closer to Victor and kissed him again this time with more love and passion. He smiled and kissed me back. I licked his bottom lip and he opened his mouth. I slid my tongue into his mouth and we fought for dominance, and soon I win. A knock on the door broke us apart to catch our breath. I heard a laugh and turned around to see a man standing there in with a brown poodle on a leash. The man let go of the leash and the poodle ran to Victor and started licking his hand. Victor laughed and pet the poodle. I smiled at how happy Victor looked. The man tapped me on my shoulder and asked me to talk outside. I got up and walk with him to a bench outside of Victor's room and sat down.
"I take it you're Yuri?"

"Yeah, er, who are you"?

"I'm Chris. One of Victor's friends.."

"Okay, how did you know I was Yuri?"

"When Victor and I spoke, all he could talk about was you and how happy he was with you. And I didn't think he would start dating someone so soon after the break up you two had."

"Wait, Victor talked about me to his friends?"

"Are you kidding me? All he could do was talk about you and how amazing you were and how much he loved you. And when you two broke up, it killed him to not be with you anymore."

I blush a little. "Victor really loves me that much?"

"Yeah, he does."

"Well, hopefully soon we can get back together."

"I hope so. I've never seen Victor happier than when you guys were together."

We get up and walk back into Victor's room. Victor is still petting the poodle but now the poodle is on the bed, laying with Victor. Chris and I sit in the visitor's chairs. "What's his name?"

Victor answers, "Makkachin, I've had him for years." I let Makkchin sniff my hand and wait to be able to pet him. Once he's finished sniffing my hand, I start to pet him softly and smile from how soft his fur is. Chris and Victor had gotten into a conversation about something, but I didn't pay them any attention, as Makkachin reminds me of a poodle I once had as a kid.

Yuri X Victor AUWhere stories live. Discover now