Another A/N

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So guess who isn't dead.

That's right bitches I'm not dead.

Sorry about not updating when I said I would I just wasn't happy with chapter nine so I rewrote it and it's still isn't what I want it to be so I have no clue when I will actually update again. Please forgive me if I don't update for a few months, I started school last week and is slammed with homework and don't have much time to write.

But here's a little bit more info on Kenny while you wait for a new chapter.

He's meant to be a really bad character and you're supposed to really hate him. If you like anything about him I would think you're crazy. He's whole exist is to be bad. This is literally no good in him at all. He really only exist to torture Yuri that's it.

Fun fact I actually came up with the idea of Kenny on a night when I couldn't sleep. That's kinda why his name is Kenny. It was the first name that came to me when I was thinking of his character and it kinda just stayed that, though I did meant to change it just never got around to actually changing it.

I'm not really sure how to write Kenny in a really bad way. He's much nicer than I thought his character should be. I thought his character to be way more evil and stuff but I can't get that across in my writing so eh not really sure how to make him what I want him to be. Any help would be very greatly appreciated.

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