Chapter Seventeen

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Even an hour from closing the tiny little eatery barely had any open tables. At the door, the dark-haired hostess wore a bit of a sour expression as she walked us back to a private room. It probably had something to do with the fact that everyone else dripped with designer labels and diamonds and the four of us looked a bit on the homeless side.

Somehow being around Noah took away all the self-consciousness I often felt in similar situations. All I cared about was how his thumb hooked into my belt loop as we walked pressed together back to the black tinted glass double doors.

Inside, dark blue wallpaper with a neat slightly lighter blue design covered the walls and an art deco chandelier hung from the ceiling with its lights turned low. The table, chairs, and floor were all varying degrees of dark wood. The chairs didn't match, some had rounded backs and others straight. The eclectic feel of the place brought a smile to my lips as we paused by one of those chairs and Noah pulled it out for me. I sat, and we started the marathon that was ordering for four.

The meal was great, and the conversation was too, watching Charlie and Noah together was a trip, they played around more than I'd ever really think Noah capable of—I guess it was because they'd known each other for so long. However, Lizzy stayed quiet for most of the night which was so very much unlike her.

"Lizzy, why so quiet?" I asked glancing up from my chicken alfredo—which was nothing short of cheesy, garlicky, creamy goodness.

She shrugged. "I'm just trying to save my voice with the concert and tour coming up." She flashed me a grin, and Noah laughed. "Besides I'm more curious about how this is working out." Lizzy looked us over. I glanced up at Noah. He didn't seem particularly moved by the conversation. He did, however, turn his attention to me for a moment and I caught something in his gaze that I didn't like. Sadness.

"What's—" he cut me off with a look. I nodded a little, keeping the impending snipe to myself. Lizzy was wearing her jealousy like a new faux mink coat, showing it off and making sure everyone got to feel it.

After dessert Lizzy and Charlie crawled all over each other and part of the table. They made out like there weren't two other people in the room, without shame or care for anything besides the pleasure the other could provide. Noah rolled his eyes and signed the credit card receipt, I blinked at the number of zeros on his tip.

"Let's get out of here." He stood. "I've seen enough of that for the night."

"Jealous?" Charlie parted from Lizzy long enough to make the verbal jab.

"Of what?" Noah glared at the direction of the lovers. "The fact that you've lost your fucking mind?"

"That you're a shittier lover." Charlie laughed, Noah's reaction was instantaneous.

He narrowed his eyes. "Wow. Remember what happened to Luke?" Charlie stopped kissing Lizzy, but Lizzy continued nibbling at his chin and bottom lip. I stood and walked to Noah's side. I remembered what happened to Luke. He dated Fiona after she and Noah broke up, then mysteriously left the band. Though judging by the look Noah was giving Charlie, I was betting the story had more to it than the public ever knew. Hell, probably more than I wanted to know at the rate things were going.

We walked to the car in silence, and it wasn't until the door was closed that either of us said anything. What surprised me the most was that I broke that quiet, as my nervous glance swept him over from head to toe.

"Are you jealous of Charlie?" Because he's not fucking a virgin—I'm sorry ex-virgin—who flips out on occasion because she hasn't come to terms yet with her sexuality. Shifting in the seat, I wrapped my arms around myself and leaned my head against the sun-warmed window. It wasn't that I didn't want to look at him when he answered, it was that I couldn't.

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