high alert - taejin

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tae and jin both find out some shock news at there doctors appointment. is that news good or bad? or both?

jin pov

"boys load into the car we're leaving in two." i shout loud enough so everyone of the boys would hear me. "BOO!" jungkook jumps out from behind me causing me to screech. "what the heck jungkook! that was mean." "well it was too easy to not do it." "ok boys stop arguing, i have a headache." taehyung said as he walked by. "you good baby?" "yeah im fine. just a little queezy."he replied. "ok boys save the lovey dovey stuff for when we get back. we are going to be late... again." namjoon said as he tossed the car keys to hoseok. he is quick yet careful driver. 

jimin - perfect heath

yoongi - perfect heath

jungkook - perfect heath

namjoon - perfect heath, healing broken wrist

hoseok - healing sprained ankle, perfect heath

taehyung - low bp and heart rate, heathy, 15 wks pregnant

seokjin - small tumor left side of the brain. healthy other than that

"g-guys.... come here please." jin said from the kitchen. "whats up hyung?" kookie asked with a concerned look plastered on his face. "you good?" yoongi asked. "is everything alright?" asked namjoon. " jinnie? what's wrong baby?" tae asked and walked over to his crying boyfriend. "oh hyung whats wrong?" hoseok ran to his hyungs side. "jin hyung-ah dont cry. i dont like to see you like this. tell whats on your mind, we'll help you out." jimin said trying to comfort jin. "well... it's about what happened at the doctors... i-i... have a... i have a tumor.... on my.... on my brain." jin said as he bursted into tears and slid down the wall. "oh my god. is it cancerous? are you ok?" jungkook asked pulling jin into a hug, the pulling him up off the ground. "no its not cancer." "hyung... i have never told you this but, i had a tumor when i was younger. it was cancerous, look at me now. am i alive and well?" yoongi commented pulling jins hand to his chest . "is it beating?" he asked. "yeah... yeah it is." jin replied. "see, mine was cancerous, yours isnt, you have a higher chance of survival than i did... you can get through this, we can get through this." yoongi said joining the hug. "we are with you to the end of the line hyung." namjoon joined as well. "i love you guys." "we love you too." the rest of the group joined after..... "so i have something to hopefully lighten the mood a bit." tae said with a small smile. "huh?" jin said cocking his head to the side a bit. the rest did the same. "well.. i got some news at the doctors as well.... i am twelve weeks pregnant..." he said hopping on his toes. "what?!? you having a baby?" jin shouted wide eyed. "no.. WE are having a baby. im not in this alone. you have a big part in this too." tae giggled. "bro.. if you are joking.. i will be pissed." jimin commented. "never in a million years would i joke about that." tae said grabbing the older by the shoulders. "i am gonna be an uncle!!" jungkook screamed and then did something no one thought he could do. he did a backflip. "when the fuck did you learn to do that?" you asked in shock. "i have a lot of things that you dont know about." he replied. "oooh! like you 5 other piercings?" namjoon commented. "WHAT THE HELL MONNIE?" he shouted back. "may i ask what they are?" hobi asked. "maybe i got my nipples pierced." he admits. "anything else you're hiding?" yoongi asked crossing his arms. "uhhh.... i may have a tattoo or two." he lowers his head. "YOU DID WHAT JEON JUNGKOOK?!" jinn screamed. "oooh let me see them!" jimin said clapping his hands and bouncing on his toes. "fine." jungkook groaned and pulled his shirt off.

" jungkook groaned and pulled his shirt off

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