bangtans first couple - jinkook

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(jin and kookie are closer in age and older. jungkook is 26 and jin is 28)

jin and jungkook were dating before bts was formed. they already had a bond that none of the of boys had. then around a year later jungkook had there first born child. he loved hanging out with his uncle tae tae. then one day jinkook asked if he will ever have a little brother or sister. jin and jungkook thought about it and then like two days later they found out some news that would make there son happy.

a/n: love(sex) scene warning!!

December 4      jinkook pov

it's appa's birthday! he's like 30 now, i don't remember. well anyways, i'm gonna have manager hyung help me make him breakfast. i walk into the main room to see that everyone but mama and appa are up. perfect. "manager hyung, you are the only one besides appa who can cook, can you please help me make him breakfast?" i ask with my puppy dog eyes. i got that from mama. "sure kid, what are we gonna make?" he asked. "how bout.... steamed egg and rice?" "sure, lets go."

jungkook pov

i wake up when i smell of egg. i get thinking jin is cooking, nope he's still sleeping. then who is cooking?

i get out to the kitchen to see manager hyung and jinkook making breakfast. "hey bubba, whatchya making?" "egg and rice for appa." he says still focusing on the stove. "you are so sweet, make sure make enough for me too." i whisper the last part . "ok mama. i will, if you go tell appa to get up?" he asked. "ok kid."

jin pov

i was sleeping peacefully until i felt a weight on my chest. i open my eyes to my beautiful husband, Kim Jungkook looking down at me.

 i open my eyes to my beautiful husband, Kim Jungkook looking down at me

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"hey hyungie." he said smiling at me. "hi baby boy." i reply, flipping underneath me. he instantly wraps his legs around my waist. "happy birthday." "thank you kookie. i love you." i say kissing down his neck. "n-not now jin, i love you but, jinkook made breakfast for you." kookie whispers. "oh ok, but later, you're gonna be screaming my name into the mattress." i smirk. "i ok with that." he says with his innocent eyes.

time skip to later that night

jungkook pov

after the jinkook and tae's daughter taelyn (father is out of the picture), all of the adults were sitting on the couch having some drinks and watching a movie. i made jin a special drink, its pink lemonade with vodka mixed into it.

 i made jin a special drink, its pink lemonade with vodka mixed into it

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