Beauty Is Her Name

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Erik stood quietly in the doorway of their bedroom. He hadn't moved in what felt like an eternity, afraid that if he looked away for even a second, she'd disappear. She was tucked in the middle of the bed, partially submerged in the sea of black satin sheets. Her curly mane framed her delicate face perfectly. He had always thought she was beautiful, but now, illuminated by the moonlight shining through the window, that beauty was somehow magnified.

She was exactly how he remembered her. Smooth caramel skin, chubby little waist, and plump, juicy thighs that threatened his life each time he found himself submerged between them. She was a tiny, feisty thing. He would always joke that she was 5'0, but her attitude was 6'4. It was her attitude that got him hooked. She was the only person that could go toe to toe with him and live to tell the tale. Her aura was otherworldly. She had the ability to make him feel ten feet tall or incredibly small with just one look. And boy did he love when she looked at him. Every time those dark brown orbs pierced his soul he swore he saw nirvana. She humbled him. She quelled the darkness that sometimes still threatened to consume him. She was his light. The beacon of hope that told him that all of his efforts were not in vain and he wasn't a failure. She saw the good in him and he strived daily to be good for her.

He placed his bags down gently, as to not disturb his angel from her slumber. He had been in Wakanda for the last two months working on trade relations between them and the US. Though they FaceTimed almost daily, nothing was better than being in her presence.

He quietly removed his clothes and slid into bed behind her. The heat of his body attracted her like a moth to a flame and she was soon curled around him like a spider monkey, her head resting in the crux of his shoulder. He chuckled to himself as he watched the smile creep across her face. The big cat had made it back to his precious kitten and wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up in her. He draped his big arms around her plush frame and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

"I missed you too, Princess," he whispered before drifting off to sleep.

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