Sacrifice (2)

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"W-W-What's going on?" Lyric rasped as she slowly came to. She took in her surroundings, noting that they were no longer shrouded in the darkness of the cemetery. The inside of the tomb was bigger than it looked from the outside and the 5 small candles surrounding her body gave the entire space an ominous glow. Marie Laveau's coffin sat dead center of the room and Lyric lay splayed out on the floor like the sacrificial lamb she was. PJ and Squeaks stood before her, dressed in ritual clothing and it was at that moment that she knew her life was in danger.

"I guess it's time we let you in on our little secret Lyric," Squeaks finally said. "Our PJ here is a dhampir and the man she's here to meet wants her as his wife, but there's just one problem: We need a human sacrifice to lead him to her. Now for obvious reasons, I can't do it, but you my dear, you'll do just fine."

Lyric's heart rate increased as the woman's words played over and over in her head.

"You can't do this. My family will come looking for me," Lyric cried through the stream of tears on her face.

"Will they? Will they really?" Squeaks asked incredulously. "You've lived in California for 9 years and your mother hasn't called you once. Face it, I'm the only family you have and since I know what's about to happen to you, there's no need for me to search," she sneered as the young woman cried harder.

"Oh dear God, shut up!" PJ screamed, smacking Lyric across the face with the back of her hand. She already had little tolerance for the woman and seeing her sniffling and crying before her in such a manner was further dampening her mood.

"Can we just kill her already?" She asked looking at Squeaks.

"Patience young one. These things take time." If it was one thing PJ lacked, it was patience. Ever since she and Squeaks had the discussion about what she was and what she was destined to be, she had been anxious for the transformation to be complete.

Squeaks chanted softly as the full moon slowly crept out from behind the clouds. Lyric squirmed and pulled against her restraints, still hopelessly begging for her life.

"Shhh," Squeaks cooed as she slowly drug the blade up and down Lyric's body. "The more you scream and resist, the more painful it'll be and the more you'll bleed. On second thought, keep doing what you're doing. The more blood, the better." With that, Squeaks pressed the blade deep into Lyric's abdomen, twisting her wrist as she brought the blade out. Blood immediately began shooting out, spraying the entire tomb. The subsequent spray covered PJ's chocolate face, making her look that much more delectable to the young witch. With one more flick of the wrist, Squeaks slit her throat and began gathering the blood for the next part of the ritual.



The command came so suddenly that PJ barely registered it. "You have to be naked for this part of the ritual so strip," Squeaks explains. With that, PJ slowly slid out of the robes she was wearing and her naked body glowed in the candlelight. Squeaks chanted softly as she began pouring the freshly collected blood over PJ's petite frame; the luring agent for the man of her dreams. Her soft chants quickly became faster and more incoherent as she continued the ritual and if the circumstances were different, PJ would've been slightly terrified. The room felt like it was spinning and Squeaks voice warped into something straight out of a horror movie. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and the entire tomb began shaking violently. Just as quickly as it began, the ordeal was over and everything appeared to go back to normal.

"That's it? Where is he?" PJ asked, crossing her arms over her chest in irritation. Squeaks knew where this was going to go and was more than prepared to deal with it. As soon as PJ hopped on her soapbox, she fell to her knees and went to work "calming her nerves".

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