Prologue: First Encounter

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∆ "Immortality makes you live forever, wouldn't you go insane too?" ∆


-12 Years Ago-

The fire raged mercilessly, demolishing everything in sight. The smoke was rising and formed black clouds you'd only see in your nightmares. Mabel watched in both fear and fascination, it was all so strange and beautiful in its own way. Watching from the way it danced around through the small village and absorbed all it touched, from houses, to crops, to people.

Over the sound of the crackling orange hued blaze in front of her sounds of screaming and snarls resounded in the air carrying the pain and sorrow across the darkened sky. Turning away from the flames she saw large black and brown hounds covered in a dark red like substance. 'What are they?' Mabel wondered to herself.

Mabel was pulled out of her stupor suddenly by her twin brother Dipper. His eyes were wild and panicking as he grabbed her arm and ran into the forest. His words we're muffled by the fire and howls all around them but she made out a few keywords. "Mom...Dad...Gone...Werewolves...Run...They're coming!" Mabel was confused where were their parents? She tried asking him but all she got in return was heavy panting and gasping breath as they ran through the undergrowth.

The screams and cries got quieter as they went deeper into the woods. The only sounds now were the small critters and insects who called the forest home. After what seemed like hours of running they finally stopped. Quirking her eyebrow Mabel walked to her brother's side to ask him why they'd stopped, but upon seeing her brother's face of pure terror she quickly followed his gaze. In front of them was a large grey wolf.

The large wolf approached slowly, it's lips curled back into a snarl, also showing off it's impressive teeth. The wolf then began to circle them, Mabel wasn't sure what it was doing, maybe it was sizing them up. She remembered her father using that term a lot when he worked in the Kingdom's knights. He used to say to her that he would size up the new recruits to see if they were tough. Her thoughts were cut off once again by an ear-splitting howl. The beast in front of them had thrown his head back and pursed his lips before letting out the loud noise. When it was done it looked to them again, smirking at the two with a wolfish grin.

After witnessing this Dipper eyes widened and he brought Mabel close to him and turned to run, but as soon as Dipper began to sprint the wolf growled and leapt at the pair. He knocked Dipper to the ground and on the impact Dipper went unconscious. Gasping out of shock Mabel rushed forward to her brother's aide.

"Dipper! Are you okay bro-bro?" Mabel asked whilst shaking him. "Wake up DipDot, the wolf is scaring me." She said in a whisper with tears pricking at her eyes. The only answer she got was a laugh from the wolf, and it sounded like a mix between a snarl and a yelp.

Whimpering she looked into the wolf's big orange eyes, they reminded her of the fire that ate her village. It also terrified her. The wolf then began to skulk towards her, licking it's lips the entire time. Mabel clutched her brother to her frame with trembling arms, her whole body was shaking with fear.

Just as the wolf opened it jaws to devour her she clenched her eyes out of reflex. Waiting with bated breath for the wolf to finish what it started she heard the crunching of leaves. The moment the sound dissapeared another sound replaced it, a loud stuttering yelp. Snapping her eyes open she saw the wolf fast asleep on the ground, or so she thought at the time.

Standing above the massive creature was a man. He looked to be about 20 years old, he was wearing a black tuxedo with yellow accents. He had very pale skin and a strange marking on his left hand, it looked like a triangle. He also wore a tophat atop a pile of blonde hair. Looking back down to his face she couldn't see and defining features accept for his glowing golden eyes. Walking forwards with long strides the man held his hand out for Mabel.

"Are you alright Shooting Star? What happened to your brother?" He asked with a voice smoother then silk. She nodded her head before speaking. "My legs hurt and my bro-bro won't wake up. I can't find our parents either. Can you help us?" She finished off her sentence and finally made complete eye contact with him.

As soon as their eyes locked his largened. "It's you." He sound so quietly she almost missed it. Cocking her head she gave him a confused look. "What'd you say Mister?" He quickly shook his head before smiling. "After all this time I've finally found you, and in the body of a child no less!" He spoke with a passion never once breaking eye contact with her.

"Wha-" She never got the words out because of a shout breaking her attention. "I heard someone over that way Stanley! It could be the kids!" Another voice called out in the darkness immediately after. "Kids! Mabel! Dipper! Where are you? It's me your Grunkle Stan! Just shout if you hear me!" A rough raspy voice sounded. Eyes brimming with tears Mabel took no pause to respond to her Great Uncle's command.

"I'm over here! Dipper's hurt!" She shouted as loud as her squeaky voice would allow. As soon as she did she heard her Uncles happy yells as they hurried to her. Before she could do anything else the man let out a huff. "It would appear have run out of time my dear. But do not fret for I will find you again, for Bill Cipher always gets what he wants." Looking at him in confusion he brought her close to him and hugged her. The more they hugged the tireder she got. "M-mister?" She asked drowsily.

"Shh, rest now Shooting Star. I will see you soon." He whispered in her ear. As she closed her eyes and fell into a dreamless slumber she heard one last thing. "Until then, my queen. Farewell my little mate." And then there was nothing.

Well there it is! The prologue for my first MaBill fanfic. What did you guys think? Pretty good eh? It's a bit longer than I wanted, a whopping 1000 some words! Anyways expect the first chapter tomorrow or Monday. But for now, remember; Reality's an illusion, the universe is hologram, BUY GOLD BYE!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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