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Hello! As you can tell this is a diary, if you're wondering why I've created this book it's simply due to me being bored and how I'm always inactive. So I've decided I will post a chapter in this book every week. It could be each day or just once. Either way this is purely to rant about my feelings explain what the day was like and how it is to.. well live like me! I will be giving fake names to cover some people's identity such as myself and to mask the true names of places mentioned. Now without further ado, let us begin. 


Okay, so Hello. My name is 'Charlotte Maria Rain' I am '12' years old and as you can guess. I am a female. I go to a Secondary school that relies on Apple Technology. My school is called 'Chestire Academy' . Most people in the school would more than likely describe me as a 'Positive, Hyper Girl' well. Since they don't see what I'm like at home they can't see that I'm a 'Silent, Understanding Girl'. My hair as much as I hate it is Dirty Blonde or as many of my friends like to call it 'Golden Bronze'. My eye colour is hazel and I'm as pale as a sheet of paper. Not kidding. 

I'll give you a list of what I like and Dislike. Since well.. this is a Diary Introduction.


Name: 'Charlotte Maria Rain'  True Intials: C.R.M

(The only name I'll give is my middle name: Rebecca.)

Age: '12' True Age: *Keep dreaming*

Likes: I have a strong like for tropical fruits and fizzy drinks. I'm an Otaku so.. I can list a few anime without a thought. (That'll be at the end) I'm generally love all animals. I'm sure people can agree with me but I love my bed. I also love the night since it's mostly silent and minds it's own business. 

Dislikes: I have a strong dislike towards Ants, Spiders and insects really. I absolutely hate the month July since that's my brother's birth month. He normally has a barbecue while I have to stay inside due to rain. I have an extremely obvious dislike towards abusive relationships, rapists and haters. I just don' get Why they do what they do.

School Subjects: (I like). So I love Geography, History, English, Drama, Dance and Music. Despite me having low grades in English I'm still in the highest band. (I'll explain momentarily)

School Subjects: (I dislike). So I dislike Math, P.E, PPD and Ethics. I'd be alright with P.E if it was Just Dance (Free Lesson) but I have Indoor Sports this term so Badminton and Gym.

Explanation: So when I mentioned Bands I mean categories. My school has Y, Z and G band. Y band is the lowest band so basically... not trying to be rude but in the simplest way the dumb people. Z band is the second highest band I'm not sure what Z or Y band stands for but I'll find out eventually. G band is the highest band, I'm in said band. You're normally set into G3, G2 or G1 (or for other bands Z3,Z2,Z1 and Y3,Y2,Y1) I'm in all of them meaning I have several classes in G3, G2 and G1. There is also Eliot Center, that's where the kids with Special Needs go, they have extra help.


And yeah. That's a brief summary of my likes, dislikes and what my school is like. I'm sure I've kept some of you away from reading decent thing. So without further ado, Goodbye. 



I hope you liked this chapter of my Diary. There is more to come in the future, since I have school tomorrow you'll definitely get an update! Have a good morning/night!


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