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A couple hundred years ago, somewhere in England

The creature moved across the dark fields at a heart wrenchingly slow pace. It stands hundreds of feet tall, nothing can stand in its way. It left behind footprints burned into the ground with blue fire tinged at the edges. The creature is a giant human skeleton, but where the head would be, instead sits a deer skull. The bones are an inky black and blue fire arches and moves across them.

The creature makes it's way following an invisible line to an unknowable destination. A man stands behind it. His fist is clenched, and identical blue fire encircles it. The man is tall with long dark hair streaked with grey, and beard that looks the same. His eyes are a dull red. An emblem on a necklace hangs in the center of his chest. It shows that he holds control of the giant skeleton creature. It shows that this man has power.

The man is the newest high warlock. He has just killed the woman who previously held the title. His cloak is still singed from their battle.

The man and the creature are heading for a village, they will burn it to the ground and then continue on.

The man will wreck as much havoc as he possibly can, he will show everyone he is the new high warlock and he will rule.

100 years ago somewhere over the Atlantic

The man looks over the ocean and is glad he has decided to leave England. He is not glad often. He has grown powerful in the years since taking the title of high warlock, but the years are taking their toll and things do not amuse him as they once did. He hopes America will be different. He is bored of England.

He has burned buildings and destroyed ships.
He has shattered cities, and burned lands.
He lets the creature run rampant when he gets bored. He finds he doesn't not care, most of the people that could once stand against him are dead. And what he cared for in his moral life is mostly gone. He feels nothing.

He is more demon, more magic, than human now. He longs for something more, but he knows there is nothing. Or he thinks he knows.

He hears that new witches are beginning to grow in strength in America. They challenge him. He longs for a good challenge.

The warlock has allowed the creature to destroy whatever it pleases at times. He will allow the creature to wreck havoc when he finds what he is looking for.

The creature also does not care. With the warlocks mood shifting constantly he has been able to burn. It feels good.

Nineteen years ago, somewhere in the state of California which is in the United States of America

The creature has not burned for so long. It years for the destruction its fire brings, the power it holds.

The man though, holds the power. He determines when the creature may unleash its fury.

The man has become docile in his time since arriving in America. The creature believes that the witches are going destroy him, they will take his name. The creature knows this. The creature will inform the warlock of nothing. It wants to be free to wreck it's chaos upon the world.

The witches come and the warlock kills all of them. The creature was wrong.

Though the warlock does not kill one witch.

The witch is a young woman with power she doesn't fully understand.
She doesn't plead mercy as all the others did. No, instead she holds her head high and looks the high warlock in the eye.
She tells him that he can kill her, but she never cared or held any allegiance to the coven of witches and that she would kick his ass if they didn't hold her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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