A Christmas To Remember

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The Gilmore's were going to have a not-so Merry Christmas this year. It was almost 6 years after New Hampshire where Rory went on that outing with Logan and the boys. She was left with a life-changing parting gift.

When Rory found out she was pregnant she went into a great debate with herself if she should tell Logan. When she was safely out of 1st trimester and she only told a select few, she tried to contact him. But failed. He was unreachable. She even asked Honor, but she said they weren't on speaking terms lately. She tried the boys but they said they weren't speaking to him either and when they tried they got no response. She ultimately decided to do it alone, but she had a great support system.

Lorelai, Luke, Emily, Chris, Gigi, Francine, Lane, Paris, Honor, Josh, Finn, Colin, Rose, Steph, Juliet, Robert, and all of Stars Hollow were there to support her.

Her pregnancy was tough, but in the end, it was a great result. A little boy gifted their presence.

Richard Logan Elias Gilmore-Huntzberger

Born: May 19th, 2017 at 5:03 am

Weight: 7 lb 8 oz

Length: 20 in

He is loved by everyone with such charm and the smirk that he was blessed with has all the girls falling for him, even the nurses.

It was two months after his fourth birthday when he was diagnosed with Leukemia. Rory was a mess - blaming herself for this and telling herself she was a bad mother, everyone told her otherwise. She always visited Little Eli every day and sometimes slept at the hospital and worked on her book.

It was the Christmas season and Honor was going to visit her nephew when she sees a sign for the annual Donation Gala sponsored by:

Gilmore Insurance (Richard & Emily)

Hayden Law (Straub, Francine & Christopher)

Huntzberger Publishing Group (Elias, Mitchum, Shira, Logan & Honor)

Morgan Holdings (Finn & Family)

McCrea & Knight Law (Colin, Partner & Families)

Vanderbilt Design (Stephanie & Family)

Grimaldi Security (Robert & Family)

DuGrey Health Services (Tristan & Family)

Williamson Financial Corporation (Josh & Family)

Adams Real Estate (Rosemary & Family)

Kingsman Dining (Juliet & Family)

And the sponsor list goes on... [A/N: what's in ( ) is which is who's company]

Honor just stared at it when it clicked. Logan was going to come to the gala, none-the-less with his wife Odette. That was the last she's seen him, at the wedding rehearsal. She, of course, made an excuse to not go to the actual wedding, because let's be honest, who'd want to see Logan marry an insufferable, annoying, spoiled brat that is in no comparison to Rory at any scale. Of course, the excuse was easy since she made sure she had an appointment she couldn't miss.

But anyhow, she heard a familiar voice echo in the halls.

"Nurse Rose, could you please help me put this on the wish tree?"

Honor turned and saw little Eli standing next to his favorite nurse with a little paper ornament in his hands.

"Of course, Eli. What's your wish?" Nurse Rose asked lifting him up gently to put the ornament near the top.

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