Chapter 3

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-two hours later when the girls finished getting ready-

~alex's Point of view~

"ALEX LETS GO!" Shouted Bailey 

"Coming" I sighed 

I  know I said yes and I can't back down now but... to be honest I really didn't want to go. I love music in all and concerts are great but I know nothing about this band and what they play. I only know there names cause bailey talks about them 24-7. Maybe it's not about the band... maybe it's my anxiety, I hate crowded places I get so, anxious is that the right word I don't even know anymore. You know what! Screw it im going to go to the concert, I'm going to have a good time and I'm not going to let this stop me like it always does.

"ALEX IM SERIOUS LETS GO" bailey snapped

I run down the stairs as fast as I can trying not to slip. I grab my bag and slip on my chekard white vans and head out. Meanwhile bailey is grabbing her keys waiting for me.

~baileys point of view~

-In the car-

As I'm driving I have the radio on to some random satiation, but I wasn't really paying attention to the music I was trying to stay focused on the road. For a second I glance over at Alex. She was starting out the passenger side window. She's lost in thought, per usual.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask almost in a whisper. My eyes still on the road. Suddenly she flinches up like I had just woke her up.

"Huh? Oh ya I'm fine."

"Alex, sweetheart I know you better than you know yourself. We both know that's a lie"I say half joking half not.

"Ya I guess." She obviously didn't get the joke "it's just I'm nervous"

"I get it" I mean I wasn't lying. "But I think this will be good for you."

"Ya I know it will... but it's been hard" She was referring to her past and problems.

"Look,think of it as an opportunity. If you hate it we'll come home. But I'll be with you the whole time."

"Promise?" She said with hope in her eyes"


-hey guys! Pleaseeeeee don't be mad at me😂 it's probably been over a year but I just found my watt pad and I'm so happy to announce... IM BACK! I'm going to try my hardest to upload so so much more this was kinda a last minute decision and I just started writing g and now we're here! Welp anyways I'll stop rambling and get back to writing  some ideas down! Also a lot has happened since I stopped writing especially stuff with the boys if you want me to talk about that just tell me and I will😂 also I have a fan account for Daniel on insta so if you want please go check it out (I do all me own edits!) toomuch.seavey -go check me out! Anyways love you all xoxoxo❤️-

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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